Pathology Handbook

Test nameAlternative name for
(DFS70 Antibodies)Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (Sendaway Test)
10a ApixabanAnti-Xa Apixaban
10a ClexaneAnti-Xa LMWH
10a RivaroxabanAnti-Xa Rivaroxaban
11 Deoxy Cortisol (Sendaway Test)
16S rRNA Bacterial Identification (Sendaway Test)
16s rRNA PCRBacterial Genetic material, Ribosomal RNA (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Sendaway Test)
17-OHP17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Sendaway Test)
1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas - Paraffin FISH(Sendaway Test)
1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas – Paraffin PCR (Molecular) (Sendaway Test)
2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR
2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR (NPV)Wuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
2019-nCoV PCR2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR
2019-nCoV serologyCoronavirus serology
210; PGMProthrombin G20210A Mutation
210; Prothrombin 20Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
24 hour Urine Albumin
24 hour Urine Calcium
24 hour Urine K24 hour Urine Potassium
24 hour Urine Magnesium (Sendaway Test)
24 hour Urine Phosphate
24 hour Urine Potassium
24 hour Urine Protein
24 hour Urine Sodium
24 hour Urine Urate
24 hour Urine Urea
24 hour Urine Uric Acid24 hour Urine Urate
25-Hydroxyvitamin D
25-OH Vitamin D25-Hydroxyvitamin D
2C19CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
2C19 for Clopidogrel resistanceClopidogrel PredictRX
2C9CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
2D6CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
3-Gal AllergyAllergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
5-FCFlucytosine (Sendaway Test)
5-fluorocytosineFlucytosine (Sendaway Test)
5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5-HTSerotonin (Sendaway Test)
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5-HydroxytrptamineSerotonin (Sendaway Test)
5HIAA5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5HT5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
6-MMPThiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
6-TGNThiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
9-OH risperidoneRisperidone (Sendaway Test)
A1A subtyping
A1ATalpha-1 Antitrypsin
A1AT GenotypingAlpha-1 Antitrypsin Genotyping (Sendaway Test)
A1AT PhenotypingAlpha-1 Antitrypsin Phenotyping (Sendaway Test)
A1CHaemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
A2A subtyping
A29HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
A31HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
ABCC9Cardiac arrhythmias panel
Active B12Holotranscobalamin
ACTN2Cardiac arrhythmias panel
ADAMTS-13 Activity (Sendaway Test)
AH100Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Alburex 20 ReleaseAlburex Issue
Alburex 5 ReleaseAlburex Issue
ALK1Anti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Allergen to Omega-5 Gliadin (Sendaway Test)
Allergen to Spice Mix fx70
Allergen to spice Mix fx71
Allergen to Spice Mix fx72
Allergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
Allergy to spice mix 70Allergen to Spice Mix fx70
allergy to spice mix fx 71Allergen to spice Mix fx71
allergy to spice mix fx72Allergen to Spice Mix fx72
alpha-1 Antitrypsin
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Genotyping (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Phenotyping (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Faeces (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-amino-3-hydrosy-5-methyl-4-isoxazol-propion acid Indirect immunofluorescenceAMPA
AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
Amyloid B protein (1-42)Alzheimer's Disease (AD) testing
ANKRD1Cardiac arrhythmias panel
Anti 10A HeparinAnti-Xa Unfractionated Heparin
Anti Aquaporin 4 abAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti CN1A
Anti Cspr2
Anti CV2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GABA B1/B2GABA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GQ1b Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti LC1Anti liver cytosol antibodies
Anti Mi-2Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Mi-2Extended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti Monosialoganglioside-GM1 (Sendaway Test)
Anti PL7Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Pm/Scl(75&100)Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Ro-52Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti SOX1 AbsAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti U1-RNPENA Antibodies
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Anti-68kD HSP 70 Inner Ear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-AQP4 AbAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti-CASPR2Anti Cspr2
Anti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
Anti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
Anti-LGI 1LGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
Anti-Ma1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Ma2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-PNMA2(Ma2/Ta) AbsAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AP50Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Apo A1Apolipoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo B) (Sendaway Test)
Apolipoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo B) (Sendaway Test)
AQP4Anti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
AT1R abHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AT1R antibodies)HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ATN1Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ATN1
B cells (Child <16yrs)Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
B12Vitamin B12
B15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B1502HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B2-MBeta-2 Microglobulin
B21HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B2GP1Beta-2 glycoprotein Antibodies
B2GP1 IgMBeta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
B2MBeta-2 Microglobulin
B2MGBeta-2 Microglobulin
B5HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B51HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B52HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B5701HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B5801HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B8HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
BCL1-IgH Fusion Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
BCL2 Translocation/Fusion (Sendaway Test)
BCR-ABL t315i Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Bet v 1 IgE
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Beta 1-3-D glucan
Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
Beta-2 glycoprotein Antibodies
Beta-2 Microglobulin
Beta-2 Transferrin (Sendaway Test)
BP180Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
BP230Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
BRCA1Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Sendaway Test)
BRCA2Breast Cancer Gene 2 (Sendaway Test)
Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Sendaway Test)
Breast Cancer Gene 2 (Sendaway Test)
Building 77 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Missenden RdAML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
c-KIT D816V Mutation
C1 Esterase Inhibitor (Sendaway Test)
C14 Breath TestUrea Breath Test
C1q (Sendaway Test)
C2 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C282YHereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
C3 Complement
C3 Nephritic Factor
C4 Complement
C6C6 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C6 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C7C7 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C7 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C8C8 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C8 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C9ORF72 Gene (Sendaway Test)
CA 125
CA 15-3
CA 153CA 15-3
CA 19-9 (fluid) (Sendaway Test)
CA 19-9 (serum)
Cadherin-1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
Camperdown NSW 2050AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
CASPR-1Nodal antibodies
CASPR2Anti Cspr2
CBFB::MYH11Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
CCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
CD19/CD20B Cell Quantitation
CD2/CD3 T Cell Markers
CD34 Count (Sendaway Test)
CD4 T cell markers CD8 T cell markersCD4/CD8 T Cell Markers
CD4/CD8 T Cell Markers
CD4/CD8 T Cell Markers (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


CH100Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
CH50Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
CL1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
CL2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
class 1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
class2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Co-Enzyme Q10
Connexin 26 (Sendaway Test)
Contactin-1Nodal antibodies
Contactin-associated protein 2 Indirect immunofluorescenceAnti Cspr2
Copper Urine 24 hr (Sendaway Test)
COVID19Wuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
COVID19 serology.Coronavirus serology
CSRP3Cardiac arrhythmias panel
CTF1Cardiac arrhythmias panel
CV2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Cyclin D1 Gene Expression Analysis (Sendaway Test)
CYP1A2CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP2C9CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP2D6CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP3A4CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP3A5CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
D15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D3HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D4HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D5HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ATN1
DFS-70Extended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
DM2 ExclusionMyotonic Dystophy Type 2 Exclusion (Sendaway Test)
DNMT3AMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
DQ105HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DQ2HLA for Coeliac Disease (Sendaway Test)
DQ8HLA for Coeliac Disease (Sendaway Test)
DQB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR3HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR4HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DRB1 01HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DRB1 11HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DSG1Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
DSG1 AbsAnti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
DSG1 AntibodiesAnti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
DSG2Cardiac arrhythmias panel
DSG3Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
DSG3 AbsAnti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
DSG3 AntibodiesAnti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
Dystonia DYT1-GAG deletionDYT1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
DYT1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
E5MEosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
E5M flow cytometryEosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
Eosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
Factor 10aAnti-Xa Apixaban
Factor 10a RivaroxabanAnti-Xa Rivaroxaban
Faecal A1ATAlpha-1 Antitrypsin; Faeces (Sendaway Test)
FGF23 (Sendaway Test)
FIP1L1-PDGFRA (Sendaway Test)
FIP1L1-PDGFRA Fusion (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


FISH for trisomy 21Downs Syndrome Cytogenetics (Pre Natal Sendaway Test)
FLT 3FLT3 Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
FLT3 Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
FMR1 geneFragile X-DNA Test (Sendaway Test)
Free T3
Free T4
FTDP-17MAPT Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
G20210AProthrombin G20210A Mutation
G6PD Quantitation (Sendaway Test)
G6PD Screen
GAD 65Anti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Gal-alpha-1Allergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) activityGalactoscreen
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase QuantitationG6PD Quantitation (Sendaway Test)
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ScreenG6PD Screen
Glycoprotein 1 IgM AntibodiesBeta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
GM 1 abAnti Monosialoganglioside-GM1 (Sendaway Test)
GP 210Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GP210Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GQ1b AntibodiesAnti GQ1b Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GT1a Antibody (CSF) (Sendaway Test)
H630Hereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
HbA2Thalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
HCO3Bicarbonate (Part of UEC)
HER2 ISH Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
HH8V PCRHuman Herpes 8 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
HHV6 PCRHuman Herpes 6 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
HHV6 SerologyHuman Herpes 6 Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Histology - HER2 ISH – Paraffin SectionHER2 ISH Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
HIV CXCR4 receptor assay HIV CCR5 receptor assay Maraviroc resistance assay HIV Co-receptor Trophism assayCCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
HIV p24 AntigenP24 HIV Antigen Serology (Sendaway Test)
HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor Susceptibility (Sendaway Test)
HIV-1 PCR (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


HIV-1 PCR on Seminal Plasma (Sendaway Test)
HIV-2 PCR Drug Resistance Genotype
HLA B27 (Sendaway Test)
HLA B51 (Sendaway Test)
HLA B57 (Sendaway Test)
HLA- DQA1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-B 15:02 Carbamazepine hypersensitivity
HLA-DPA2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DPB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DQB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DRB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLAB27HLA B27 (Sendaway Test)
HSP70Anti-68kD HSP 70 Inner Ear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HSV 1 & 2 PCR – Formalin Fixed Paraffin Sections (Sendaway Test)
HSV-1 PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
HSV-2 PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
HTLV 1 PCR (Sendaway Test)
HTLV 1/2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Human Epididymal Protein 4HE4
Human Herpes 6 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Human Herpes 6 Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Human Herpes 8 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
IA2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IDH1IDH mutation
IDH2IDH mutation
IGF1Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (Sendaway Test)
IGFBP3 (Sendaway Test)
IgG4IgG Subclasses
IgLON5 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IL28B Genotype (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 10 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 11 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 2 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 5 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 7 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 8 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 9 (Sendaway Test)
Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (Sendaway Test)
Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3IGFBP3 (Sendaway Test)
inv16Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Iron Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Islet Antigen 2 AntibodiesIA2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
JAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Jak2 V617FJAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
JAK2e14JAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Jo-1ENA Antibodies
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


LDB3Cardiac arrhythmias panel
Leucine –rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Indirect immunofluorescenceLGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
LGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 4LRP4 Antibodies
LRP4LRP4 Antibodies
LRP4 Antibodies
Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
Ma1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Ma2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Manganese Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
MCP (N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxylamide)Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
MDA5Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
MELAS 3243 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Mercury Urine (24 hr) (Sendaway Test)
Mi-2 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Mi-2 antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Mitochondrial DNA targeted 22 mutation panel (+3 POLG)Common Mitochondrial Mutation/DNA Depletion studies
MSH2 (Sendaway Test)
MSH2 Predictive TestMSH2 (Sendaway Test)
MYBPC3Cardiac arrhythmias panel
Myotonic Dystophy Type 2 Exclusion (Sendaway Test)
Myotonic Dystrophy Gene type 1 (Sendaway Test)
Neoral C2Cyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
NF-155/186Nodal antibodies
Nickel Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
NMN (N1-methylnicotinamide)Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
NOVO7Novoseven Issue
NPM1 Gene MutationNucleophosmin (NPM1) Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


NS1 AntigenDengue Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
NT5C1A antibodyAnti CN1A
Nucleic Acid Testing (HIV-1, HCV, HBV)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Nucleophosmin (NPM1) Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
NUDT15TPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
ODG 1p/19q LOH - Paraffin FISH1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas - Paraffin FISH(Sendaway Test)
ODG 1p/19q LOH - Paraffin PCR (Molecular)1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas – Paraffin PCR (Molecular) (Sendaway Test)
Overnight 1mg Dexamethasone Suppression TestOvernight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
p190BCR-ABL P190
P1NP (Sendaway Test)
p210BCR-ABL P210
P24 HIV Antigen Serology (Sendaway Test)
PALB2 (Sendaway Test)
PALB2 Predictive testPALB2 (Sendaway Test)
Parvo B19Parvovirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
PCA-1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PD-L1 (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Phospholipase 2 Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
PL7 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
PLA2RPhospholipase 2 Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
PNMA2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PO4Phosphate (Part of CMP)
PR3 antibodyProteinase 3 (Sendaway Test)
Procollagen type 1 amino-terminal peptideP1NP (Sendaway Test)
Protein 14-3-3Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Protein (Sendaway Test)
Proteinase 3 (Sendaway Test)
Prothrombin Fragments 1&2 (Sendaway Test)
Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
PT20Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
Quantitative Desmoglein 1 & 3 antibody assay
R0-52 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
RAD5IC (Sendaway Tst)
RAD5IC Predictive TestRAD5IC (Sendaway Tst)
Random/Spot Urine PO4Random/Spot Urine Phosphate
Regulatory T cells (child <16 years)
RUNX1::RUNX1T1Molecular Haematology Laboratory Level 6AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
SARS-CoV-2 Serology
SCL-70ENA Antibodies
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


SCL-70 (topoisomerase)ENA
Screening for Down syndrome (trisomy 21)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Screening for Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Screening for Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Second Trimester Maternal Serum Screening (2TMSS)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Selenium Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
SF3B1Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
sFlt-1Pre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
SLO1B1CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
SMN1Spinal Muscular Atrophy Gene (Sendaway Test)
SOD1 gene mutationMotor Neurone Disease Gene (Sendaway Test)
Soluble C5b-9
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Soluble CD25
Soluble IL-2 ReceptorSoluble CD25
soluble interleukin 2 receptorSoluble CD25
SOX1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SP 100Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SP100Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Spice Mix fx70 allergyAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
spice mix fx71 allergyAllergen to spice Mix fx71
Spice mix fx72 allergyAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
SRSF2Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
SV40Polyomavirus PCR (includes BK and JC viruses) (Sendaway Test)
T cell markers (Child <16yrs)Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
t(8;21)AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
t(9:22)BCR-ABL P210
T3Free T3
T4Free T4
Test entry 6zzz For Admin Test Purposes Only
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


TIF1Y(P155)Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Timed (24 hour) Urine Creatinine
Timed Urine PO424 hour Urine Phosphate
TNNC1Cardiac arrhythmias panel
TNNI3Cardiac arrhythmias panel
TNNT2Cardiac arrhythmias panel
TP53 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
TPM1Cardiac arrhythmias panel
Tumour Protein 53 MutationTP53 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
U2AF1Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Urinary Free Cortisol (24-hour)
Urine Iron Excretion (24hr)Iron Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Manganese Excretion (24 hr)Manganese Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Mercury Excretion (24 hr)Mercury Urine (24 hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Nickel Excretion (24hr)Nickel Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Selenium Excretion (24hr)Selenium Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Zinc Excretion (24hr)Zinc Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B2 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B1 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B6 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin D325-Hydroxyvitamin D
VKORC1CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
Zinc Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)



Frozen Section Booking Form

Printable Pathology Request Form

Order of Draw - Blood Samples