Pathology Handbook

Test nameAlternative name for
(DFS70 Antibodies)Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (Sendaway Test)
10a ApixabanAnti-Xa Apixaban
10a ClexaneAnti-Xa LMWH
10a RivaroxabanAnti-Xa Rivaroxaban
11 Deoxy Cortisol (Sendaway Test)
16S rRNA Bacterial Identification (Sendaway Test)
16s rRNA PCRBacterial Genetic material, Ribosomal RNA (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Sendaway Test)
17-OHP17-Hydroxyprogesterone (Sendaway Test)
1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas - Paraffin FISH(Sendaway Test)
1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas – Paraffin PCR (Molecular) (Sendaway Test)
2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR
2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR (NPV)Wuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
2019-nCoV PCR2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR
2019-nCoV serologyCoronavirus serology
210; PGMProthrombin G20210A Mutation
210; Prothrombin 20Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
24 hour Urine Albumin
24 hour Urine Calcium
24 hour Urine K24 hour Urine Potassium
24 hour Urine Magnesium (Sendaway Test)
24 hour Urine Phosphate
24 hour Urine Potassium
24 hour Urine Protein
24 hour Urine Sodium
24 hour Urine Urate
24 hour Urine Urea
24 hour Urine Uric Acid24 hour Urine Urate
25-Hydroxyvitamin D
25-OH Vitamin D25-Hydroxyvitamin D
2C19CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
2C9CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
2D6CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
3-Gal AllergyAllergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
5-FCFlucytosine (Sendaway Test)
5-fluorocytosineFlucytosine (Sendaway Test)
5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5-HTSerotonin (Sendaway Test)
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5-HydroxytrptamineSerotonin (Sendaway Test)
5HIAA5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
5HT5-HIAA; Urine (Sendaway Test)
6-MMPThiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
6-TGNThiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
9-OH risperidoneRisperidone (Sendaway Test)
A subtypeA subtyping
A subtyping
A1A subtyping
A1ATalpha-1 Antitrypsin
A1AT GenotypingAlpha-1 Antitrypsin Genotyping (Sendaway Test)
A1AT PhenotypingAlpha-1 Antitrypsin Phenotyping (Sendaway Test)
A1CHaemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
A2A subtyping
A29HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
A31HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
ABGBlood Gases
ABO groupBlood Group
ABO groupBlood Group and Screen
abscess fluidPus Culture
Acacia treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Acanthamoeba Culture
ACEAngiotensin Converting Enzyme (Sendaway Test)
ACE (CSF)CSF Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ACH receptor abAcetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ACHrAcetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AciclovirAcyclovir (Sendaway Test)
Acid Maltase DeficiencyAlpha-Glucosidase (Sendaway Test)
ACLAnticardiolipin Antibodies
ACL AbAnticardiolipin Antibodies
ACL IgG AbAnticardiolipin Antibodies
ACL IgMAnticardiolipin Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
ACLAAnticardiolipin Antibodies
ACLA IgMAnticardiolipin Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
ACPACCP Antibodies
ACTH (Sendaway Test)
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time - Mixing Test
Activated Protein C Resistance
Active B12Holotranscobalamin
Active Vitamin D1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (Sendaway Test)
Acyclovir (Sendaway Test)
Acyl Carnitines (Sendaway Test)
ADA; CSF (Sendaway Test)
ADA; Erythrocytes/Red Cells
ADA; Fluid
Adalimumab (Sendaway Test)
ADAMTS-13 Activity (Sendaway Test)
ADBStreptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Adenomatous polyposis coliAPC Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Adenosine AminohydrolaseADA; Erythrocytes/Red Cells
Adenosine Deaminase; Cerebrospinal FluidADA; CSF (Sendaway Test)
Adenosine Deaminase; Erythrocytes/Red CellsADA; Erythrocytes/Red Cells
Adenosine Deaminase; Fluid (Pleural/ Pericardial/ Peritoneal)ADA; Fluid
adenovirusFaecal viral multiplex PCR
adenovirus PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Adenovirus PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Adenovirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Adrenal Cortex AntibodiesAnti-Adrenal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AdrenoCorticoTrophic HormoneACTH (Sendaway Test)
Adverse ReactionTransfusion Reaction Investigation
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Blood Bank

aeromonasFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
AFBMycobacteria Culture Report (Sendaway Test)
AFB Blood CultureBlood Culture for Mycobacteria
AFB culture
AFP (Tumour Marker)
African Trypanosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
AGAGliadin Antibody (Sendaway Test)
AGPCA.Anti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AH100Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
AlaninePlasma Amino Acids
Alanine AminoTransferaseALT (Part of LFT)
AlbAlbumin (Part of LFT)
Albumin (Part of LFT)
Alburex 20 ReleaseAlburex Issue
Alburex 5 ReleaseAlburex Issue
Alburex Issue
Aldosterone (LC-MS)
Aldosterone/ReninAldosterone/Renin Ratio
Aldosterone/Renin Ratio
Aldosterone; Urine (Sendaway Test)
ALK (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Alk PhosALP (Part of LFT)
ALK1Anti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Alkaline PhosphataseALP (Part of LFT)
Alkaline Phosphatase FractionationAlkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes
Allergen Specific IgE to Insulin Human (Sendaway Test)
Allergen to Australian Tree Mix
Allergen to Avocado
Allergen to Bees
Allergen to Bermuda
Allergen to Brewer
allergen to ceclorAllergen to Cefaclor
Allergen to Cefaclor
Allergen to CochinealCochineal Allergy
Allergen to Cockroach
Allergen to Common Wasp
Allergen to Conifer
Allergen to Cows Milk
Allergen to Crab
Allergen to Egg
Allergen to Egg White
Allergen to Egg Yolk
Allergen to Eggplant (aubergine)
Allergen to European Wasp
Allergen to fennel seedFennel seed allergen
Allergen to Fish Mix
Allergen to Formaldehyde
Allergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Allergen to Hazelnut
Allergen to Ispaghula
Allergen to Jumper Ant
Allergen to Latex
Allergen to LemonLemon allergen
Allergen to Lettuce
Allergen to Lignocaine
Allergen to LimeLime allergen
Allergen to Lobster
Allergen to Lychee
Allergen to Macadamia
Allergen to Mandarin
Allergen to Mango
Allergen to Mould Mix
Allergen to Nut Mix
Allergen to Oat
Allergen to Octopus
Allergen to Omega-5 Gliadin (Sendaway Test)
Allergen to Paper Wasp
Allergen to Peanuts
Allergen to Pecan
Allergen to Plane tree
allergen to prawnAllergen to Shrimp
Allergen to psylliumAllergen to Ispaghula
Allergen to Rye grass
Allergen to Saffron
Allergen to Scallop
Allergen to Seafood MixAllergen to Fish Mix
Allergen to Shrimp
Allergen to Soy
Allergen to Spice Mix fx70
Allergen to spice Mix fx71
Allergen to Spice Mix fx72
Allergen to tomato
Allergen to Walnut
Allergen to Weed Mix
Allergen to Wheat
Allergy to sunflower seed
Allergy to Almond
Allergy to Alternara Tenuis
Allergy to Amoxicilloyl
Allergy to Ampicilloyl
Allergy to Apple
Allergy to Apricot
Allergy to Asperigillus FumigatusAspergillus Allergen
Allergy to Australian pine
Allergy to Bahia grass
Allergy to baker's yeast
Allergy to Banana
Allergy to barley
Allergy to Beef
Allergy to birch tree
Allergy to Brazil nut
Allergy to broccoli
Allergy to buckwheat
Allergy to Caged Bird Feathers Mix
Allergy to Capsicum
Allergy to Carrot
Allergy to casein
Allergy to Cashew
Allergy to Cats
Allergy to Cauliflower
Allergy to Cefaclor
Allergy to Celery
Allergy to Chickpea
Allergy to chickpeaChickpea allergen
Allergy to ChlorhexidineChlorhexidine Allergy
Allergy to Chocolate/ Cacao
Allergy to Coconut
Allergy to cod
Allergy to Coffee
Allergy to Coriander
Allergy to Corn (Maize)
Allergy to Dog Dander
Allergy to Dust Mix
Allergy to Eggplant
Allergy to Feathers
Allergy to Flaxseed
Allergy to Food Mix (Children
Allergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
Allergy to Garlic
Allergy to Ginger
Allergy to Gluten
Allergy to Goats Milk
Allergy to Grape
Allergy to Grass Mix
Allergy to honey
Allergy to Honey Bee VenomAllergen to Bees
Allergy to Horse dander
Allergy to Kiwi Fruit
Allergy to Lamb
Allergy to Lentils
Allergy to Linseed
Allergy to lupin
Allergy to Meat Mix
Allergy to melon
Allergy to Morphine
Allergy to MouldsAllergen to Mould Mix
Allergy to Mushroom
Allergy to MusselsMussels Allergen
Allergy to Mustard
Allergy to Onion
Allergy to Orange
Allergy to Oyster
Allergy to papaya
Allergy to PapayaAllergy to Pawpaw
Allergy to Pawpaw
Allergy to Pea
Allergy to Peach
Allergy to pear
Allergy to pecanAllergen to Pecan
Allergy to Penicillin G
Allergy to Penicillin V
Allergy to Pineapple
Allergy to Pinenut
Allergy to Pistachio
Allergy to PollenAllergy to Grass Mix
Allergy to poppy seed
Allergy to Pork
Allergy to potato
Allergy to pumpkin seed
Allergy to Quinoa
Allergy to Rabbit Epithelium
Allergy to raspberry
Allergy to Rhubarb
Allergy to Rice
Allergy to rockmelonAllergy to melon
Allergy to rye cereal
Allergy to salmon
Allergy to Sesame
Allergy to sheep milk
Allergy to Shellfish
Allergy to spice mix 70Allergen to Spice Mix fx70
allergy to spice mix fx 71Allergen to spice Mix fx71
allergy to spice mix fx72Allergen to Spice Mix fx72
Allergy to Squid
Allergy to Squid (Pacific)Allergy to Squid
Allergy to strawberry
allergy to Suxamethonium
Allergy to Tree Mix
Allergy to tuna
Allergy to watermelon
Allergy to wool
Allergy to Yoghurt
AllopurinolOxypurinol (Sendaway Test)
AlmondAllergen to Nut Mix
Almond allergenAllergy to Almond
Alopecia Skin BiopsyHistology - Skin for Alopecia (Sendaway Test)
ALP (Part of LFT)
Alpha gene analysisThalassaemia Gene Testing
Alpha Subunit Glycoprotein (Sendaway Test)
Alpha Thalassaemia Gene testing/analysisThalassaemia Gene Testing
alpha-1 Antitrypsin
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Genotyping (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Phenotyping (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin; Faeces (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-amino-3-hydrosy-5-methyl-4-isoxazol-propion acid Indirect immunofluorescenceAMPA
alpha-feto protein; unconjugated estriol; free beta hCG; dimeric inhibin AMaternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-fetoproteinAFP (Tumour Marker)
Alpha-Galactosidase A (Sendaway Test)
alpha-Galactosidase A deficiencyGALA Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
Alpha-Glucosidase (Sendaway Test)
alpha-glucosidase on muscle biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Alphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
ALT (Part of LFT)
Altemaria alternateAllergen to Mould Mix
Alternara Tenuis allergenAllergy to Alternara Tenuis
Alternative PathwayTotal Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Aluminium Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Aluminium Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) testing
AMAMitochondrial Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
America dust miteAllergy to Dust Mix
American trypanosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
AMHAnti-Mullerian Hormone (Sendaway Test)
Amikacin (Sendaway Test)
AminophyllineTheophylline (Sendaway Test)
Amiodarone (Sendaway Test)
Amitriptyline (Sendaway Test)
AML mutationMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
Amoebic Serology (Sendaway Test)
Amoxicillin AllergyAllergy to Amoxicilloyl
Amoxycillin level (Test not available)
Amphetamine Type ConfirmationUrine Drug Screen Confirmations (Sendaway Test)
Amphiphysin antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Ampicillin AllergyAllergy to Ampicilloyl
Ampulla Fluid for CytologyCytology - Oesophageal, Bile Duct, Pancreatic & Ampulla Specimens
Amyloid B protein (1-42)Alzheimer's Disease (AD) testing
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosisC9ORF72 Gene (Sendaway Test)
ANAAnti-Centromere Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ANAAnti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
anal swab cultureSwab for culture - genital
Anaplasma SerologyEhrlichia/Anaplasma Serology (Sendaway Test)
Anatomical Pathology - Autopsy (Adult Non-Coronial)Autopsy - Adult Hospital (Non Coronial)
Anatomical Pathology Shared Specimen Procedures
Anatomical specimen for disposal
ANCA (Sendaway Test)
Androgen ProfileAndrogens
Androstenedione (Sendaway Test)
ANFAnti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Angiostrongylus cantonensis IgG (Sendaway Test)
Angiostrongylus SerologyAngiostrongylus cantonensis IgG (Sendaway Test)
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (Sendaway Test)
Animal Mix Allergen
AniseAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
Antenatal Thalassaemia screenThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Anti -EPOErythropoietin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti 10A HeparinAnti-Xa Unfractionated Heparin
anti ADA antibodyAdalimumab (Sendaway Test)
Anti Amphiphysin antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Aquaporin 4 abAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti CCP AntibodiesCCP Antibodies
Anti CN1A
Anti Cspr2
Anti CV2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti D IssueRh D Immunoglobulin Issue
Anti D ReleaseRh D Immunoglobulin Issue
Anti Dppx
Anti EJMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti F-Actin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GABA B1/B2GABA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GBMGlomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Glia Nuclear antibodies (AGNA)Anti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Glycine Antibodies
Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti GQ1b Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti KuMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti LaENA
Anti LC1Anti liver cytosol antibodies
Anti liver cytosol antibodies
Anti LKMAnti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti MAGMyelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Mi-2Extended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti Mi-2Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Mitochonrial antibodyMitochondrial Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Monosialoganglioside-GM1 (Sendaway Test)
Anti Myositis antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Neuromyelitis Optica AntibodyAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti OJMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti PCNAExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti PL7Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Pm/SclExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti Pm/Scl(75&100)Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Ri antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Ribosomal PExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti RNA Polymerase IIIRNA Polymerase III Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti RoENA
Anti Ro-52Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Saccharoymes Cerevisiae (Sendaway Test)
Anti SLA/LP antibodiesAnti soluble liver / liver pancreas antibodies
Anti Smith abENA
Anti soluble liver / liver pancreas antibodies
Anti SOX1 AbsAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti SRPMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti synthetaseMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti TGAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti Xa heparinAnti-Xa Unfractionated Heparin
Anti-68kD HSP 70 Inner Ear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Adrenal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-AQP4 AbAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Cardiac Muscle AntibodiesAnti-Heart Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-CASPR2Anti Cspr2
Anti-CentromereAnti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Centromere Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-cyclic citrinullated peptideCCP Antibodies
Anti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
Anti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
Anti-DNase BStreptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Endomysial Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-GABA B receptorGABA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-glutamate receptor (type AMPA)AMPA
Anti-glutamate receptor (type NMDA)NMDA Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
anti-GM-CSFGM-CSF antibody
Anti-HCV AntibodiesHepatitis C Serology
Anti-Heart Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Histone AntibodiesHistone (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Hu antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-KuExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti-LGI 1LGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
Anti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Ma antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Ma1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Ma2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-MOG Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Neuronal Nuclei antibodyAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Neutrophil AntibodyGranulocyte Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic AntibodyANCA (Sendaway Test)
Anti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-nuclear FactorAnti-Nuclear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Ovarian Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-PNMA2(Ma2/Ta) AbsAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-recovrin antibodies
Anti-Reticulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Skin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
Anti-Skin Basement Membrane AntibodiesAnti-Skin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Streptolysin O TitreStreptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-titin Antibodies
Anti-TTP antibodiesTransglutaminase IgA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Anti-VGKC.Voltage gated K+ Channel Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Anti-Xa Apixaban
Anti-Xa ClexaneAnti-Xa LMWH
Anti-Xa EnoxaparinAnti-Xa LMWH
Anti-Xa LMWH
Anti-Xa Rivaroxaban
Anti-Xa Unfractionated Heparin
Anti-Yo antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Antibodies to Extractable Nuclear AntigensENA
Antibodies to InfliximabInfliximab (Sendaway Test)
Antibody Screen
Antibody TitrationMaternal Antibody Titre
Antibody TitreMaternal Antibody Titre
Anticardiolipin Antibodies
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
Antiphospholipid Antibodies (APM,LUP)
Antithrombin IIIAntithrombin
AP50Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
APC Mutation (Sendaway Test)
APCAAnti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
APCRActivated Protein C Resistance
Apo A1Apolipoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo B) (Sendaway Test)
Apo BApolipoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo B) (Sendaway Test)
Apo E Genotype (Sendaway Test)
Apolipoproteins (Apo A1 and Apo B) (Sendaway Test)
Apple allergenAllergy to Apple
Apricot allergyAllergy to Apricot
APTTActivated Partial Thromboplastin Time
AQP4Anti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Arbovirus Serology (Group A)
ArgininePlasma Amino Acids
ARRAldosterone/Renin Ratio
Arsenic (Sendaway Test)
Arsenic Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Arterial Blood GasBlood Gases
Arterial Cord Blood GasBlood Gases
ASCAAnti Saccharoymes Cerevisiae (Sendaway Test)
Ascaris Serology
Ascitic fluidFluid Cell Count and Culture
Ascitic Fluid for CytologyCytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids
Ascorbic AcidVitamin C (Sendaway Test)
Asialotransferrin (Fluid)Beta-2 Transferrin (Sendaway Test)
ASMAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ASMAAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ASOTStreptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Aspartate AminotransferaseAST (Part of LFT)
Aspergillus Allergen
Aspergillus fumigatusAllergen to Mould Mix
Aspergillus galactomannanGalactomannan (BAL) (Sendaway Test)
Aspergillus galactomannan antigenGalactomannan (BAL) (Sendaway Test)
Aspergillus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Aspergillus Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
AST (Part of LFT)
astrovirusFaecal viral multiplex PCR
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


AT1R abHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
AT1R antibodies)HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ATN1Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ATN1
Atypical pneumonia serology
Australian pine allergenAllergy to Australian pine
Australian Tree MixAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Autoimmune Encephalitis Testing
Autoimmune Encephalopathy TestingAutoimmune Encephalitis Testing
Autopsy - Adult Hospital (Non Coronial)
Autopsy - CJD Brain autopsy
Avian Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
Avocado allergenAllergen to Avocado
Avocado IgEAllergen to Avocado
Azathioprine metabolitesThiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
Azithromycin Level (Sendaway Test)
B Cell Quantitation
B cell subsetB Cell Quantitation
B CellsB Cell Quantitation
B cells (Child <16yrs)Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
B12Vitamin B12
B15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B1502HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B2-MBeta-2 Microglobulin
B21HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B2GP1Beta-2 glycoprotein Antibodies
B2GP1 IgMBeta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
B2MBeta-2 Microglobulin
B2MGBeta-2 Microglobulin
B5HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B51HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B52HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B5701HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B5801HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
B8HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Babesia Serology (Sendaway Test)
Baby Group and DATNewborn Group and DAT
Bacterial Genetic material, Ribosomal RNA (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Bactrim LevelCotrimoxazole Level (Sendaway Test)
Bahia grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Bahia grass allergyAllergy to Bahia grass
Bairnsdale ulcer PCRMycobacterium ulcerans PCR (Sendaway Test)
Baker's yeast allergenAllergy to baker's yeast
BAL cultureBronchoalveolar Lavage Culture
BAL for CytologyCytology - Bronchial Brushing, Washing & BAL
Banana allergenAllergy to Banana
Barley allergenAllergy to barley
Barmah Forest Virus PCRAlphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Barmah Forest Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Bartonella henselae PCR (Sendaway Test)
Bartonella henselae Serology (Sendaway Test)
BasilAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
BCL1-IgH Fusion Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
BCL2 Translocation/Fusion (Sendaway Test)
BCR-ABL t315i Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Bee allergenAllergen to Bees
Bee allergen IgEAllergen to Bees
BeefAllergy to Meat Mix
Beef allergyAllergy to Beef
Bence Jones ProteinUrine Protein Electrophoresis
Benzodiazepines ConfirmationUrine Drug Screen Confirmations (Sendaway Test)
Beriplex ReleaseProthrombin Complex Issue
Bermuda allergyAllergen to Bermuda
Bermuda grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Bet v 1 IgE
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Beta 1-3-D glucan
beta HydroxybutyrateHydroxybutyrate (Sendaway Test)
Beta Thalassaemia Gene Testing/analysisThalassaemia Gene Testing
Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
Beta-2 glycoprotein Antibodies
Beta-2 Microglobulin
Beta-2 Transferrin (Sendaway Test)
Beta-CrossLapsC-Telopeptide (Sendaway Test)
Beutler testGalactoscreen
BFVBarmah Forest Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
BHCG Tumour MarkerHCG-Tumour Marker (Sendaway Test)
Bicarbonate (Part of UEC)
Bile AcidsBile Acids Total (Sendaway Test)
Bile Acids Total (Sendaway Test)
Bile Duct Fluid for CytologyCytology - Oesophageal, Bile Duct, Pancreatic & Ampulla Specimens
Bilirubin FractionsTotal Bilirubin & Conjugated Bilirubin
Birch tree allergenAllergy to birch tree
Bird fanciers precipitinsAvian Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
Bird Feathers Mix AllergyAllergy to Caged Bird Feathers Mix
BJPUrine Protein Electrophoresis
BK virus PCRPolyomavirus PCR (includes BK and JC viruses) (Sendaway Test)
Blastomycosis Serology
Blood CadmiumCadmium Blood (Sendaway Test)
Blood Collection Tube Summary
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Pathology Service

Blood Culture for Mycobacteria
Blood culture fungal
Blood Cultures
Blood film review
Blood Gases
Blood Group
Blood Group and Antibody ScreenBlood Group and Screen
Blood Group and HoldBlood Group and Screen
Blood Group and Screen
Blood LeadLead Blood (Sendaway Test)
Blood ManganeseManganese Blood (Sendaway Test)
Blood MercuryMercury Blood (Sendaway Test)
Blood Product IssueAlburex Issue
Blood Product IssueRh D Immunoglobulin Issue
Blood Product Issue
Blood Product IssueFresh Frozen Plasma Issue
Blood Product IssueCryoprecipitate Issue
Blood Product IssueNovoseven Issue
Blood Product IssueProthrombin Complex Issue
Blood Product IssuePlatelet Issue
Blood ThalliumThallium Blood (Sendaway Test)
Blue musselAllergen to Fish Mix
BM RNA / DNA storage
BM storageBM RNA / DNA storage
BMZAnti-Skin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Body part for disposalAnatomical specimen for disposal
Bone ALPBone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
Bone Biopsy (Mineralised Bone Histology) (Sendaway Test)
Bone Marrow AspirateBone Marrow Examination
Bone Marrow DNA storageBM RNA / DNA storage
Bone Marrow Examination
Bone Marrow RNA storageBM RNA / DNA storage
Bone Marrow TrephineBone Marrow Examination
Bone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
Bone turnover markerC-Telopeptide (Sendaway Test)
Bone turnover markerP1NP (Sendaway Test)
Bordetella pertussis PCR (Sendaway Test)
Bordetella pertussis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Borrelia burgdorferi Serology (Sendaway Test)
Borrelia burgdorferi Western Blot Confirmation (Sendaway Test)
Borrelia PCRLyme disease PCR (Sendaway Test)
BP180Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
BP230Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
BRAF mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Brazil nutAllergen to Nut Mix
Brazil nut allergenAllergy to Brazil nut
BRCA1Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Sendaway Test)
BRCA2Breast Cancer Gene 2 (Sendaway Test)
Breast Cancer Gene 1 (Sendaway Test)
Breast Cancer Gene 2 (Sendaway Test)
Breast Discharge SmearNipple Discharge Cytology
Breath Test for Helicobacter pyloriUrea Breath Test
Brewers YeastAllergen to Brewer
Broad Drug ScreenUrine Drug Screen (LC-QTOF)
Broccoli allergenAllergy to broccoli
Bronchial Brushing for CytologyCytology - Bronchial Brushing, Washing & BAL
Bronchial Washing Culture
Bronchial Washing for CytologyCytology - Bronchial Brushing, Washing & BAL
Bronchial washingsBronchoalveolar Lavage Culture
Bronchio Alveolar Lavage for CytologyCytology - Bronchial Brushing, Washing & BAL
Bronchoalveolar Lavage Culture
Brucella Antibody Screen (Sendaway Test)
Brucella Confirmation Serology (Sendaway Test)
Brucella IgG and IgMBrucella Confirmation Serology (Sendaway Test)
BuckwheatAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Buckwheat allergenAllergy to buckwheat
Building 77 Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Missenden RdAML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
Bullous PemphigoidAnti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
Burkholderia pseudomallei Serology (Sendaway Test)
BursitisJoint Fluid
Buruli ulcer PCRMycobacterium ulcerans PCR (Sendaway Test)
BW CultureBronchial Washing Culture
c diffClostridium difficile Toxin
c-KITc-KIT D816V Mutation
c-KIT D816V Mutation
C-Reactive Protein
C-Telopeptide (Sendaway Test)
C/EBPA Gene MutationCCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
C1 Esterase Inhibitor (Sendaway Test)
C14 Breath TestUrea Breath Test
C1q (Sendaway Test)
C2 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C282YHereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
C3 Complement
C3 Nephritic Factor
C4 Complement
C6C6 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C6 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C7C7 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C7 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C8C8 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C8 Complement (Sendaway Test)
C9ORF72 Gene (Sendaway Test)
CACalcium (Part of CMP)
CA 125
CA 15-3
CA 153CA 15-3
CA 19-9 (fluid) (Sendaway Test)
CA 19-9 (serum)
Cacao AllergyAllergy to Chocolate/ Cacao
CADASIL Skin BiopsyHistology - Skin Biopsy CADASIL (Sendaway Test)
Cadherin-1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
Cadmium Blood (Sendaway Test)
Cadmium Urine Random (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Caged Bird Feathers Mix AllergyAllergy to Caged Bird Feathers Mix
Cajeput treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Calcitonin (Sendaway Test)
Calcitonin Fluid (Sendaway Test)
Calcitriol1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (Sendaway Test)
Calcium (Part of CMP)
Calculi Analysis (Sendaway Test)
CALR geneCalreticulin Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Calreticulin Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Camperdown NSW 2050AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
Campylobacter cultureFaeces Culture
Campylobacter jejuni Serology (Test not available)
cANCAANCA (Sendaway Test)
Candida auris screen
Cannabinoid ConfirmationUrine Drug Screen Confirmations (Sendaway Test)
Capillary Blood GasBlood Gases
Capsicum allergenAllergy to Capsicum
CarawayAllergen to spice Mix fx71
Carbamazepine (Sendaway Test)
Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaciae ScreenCRE Screen
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin
Carcinoembryonic AntigenCEA (serum)
CardamomAllergen to spice Mix fx71
cardiac enzymesTroponin I
Carnitine - Free And Total (Sendaway Test)
Carnitine Urine (Sendaway Test)
Carotene (Sendaway Test)
Carrot AllergenAllergy to Carrot
Casein allergenAllergy to casein
Cashew allergenAllergy to Cashew
CASPR-1Nodal antibodies
CASPR2Anti Cspr2
Cat AllergenAllergy to Cats
Cat danderAllergy to Cats
Cat danderAnimal Mix Allergen
Cat Scratch Fever PCRBartonella henselae PCR (Sendaway Test)
Cat Scratch Fever SerologyBartonella henselae Serology (Sendaway Test)
Catecholamines PlasmaMetanephrines Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Catecholamines UrineMetanephrines Urine (Sendaway Test)
Catheter Tip Culture
Catheter tipsSwab wound - Superfical
Cauliflower allergenAllergy to Cauliflower
CBFB::MYH11Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Protein Alpha Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
CCP Antibodies
CCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
CD19/CD20B Cell Quantitation
CD2/CD3 T Cell Markers
CD34 Count (Sendaway Test)
CD4 T cell markers CD8 T cell markersCD4/CD8 T Cell Markers
CD4/CD8 T Cell Markers
CD4/CD8 T Cell Markers (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


CDP ReleaseFresh Frozen Plasma Issue
CEA (fluid) (Sendway Test)
CEA (serum)
ceclorAllergen to Cefaclor
ceclor allergenAllergen to Cefaclor
Cefaclor allergenAllergen to Cefaclor
cefaclor allergyAllergen to Cefaclor
Cefaclor allergyAllergy to Cefaclor
Cefaclor level
Celery allergenAllergy to Celery
CellCeptMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
Cephalexin Level
Cerebrospinal Fluid for CytologyCytology - CSF Specimens
Cerebrospinal Fluid MC&SCSF Microscopy & Culture
Cervical HPV ScreeningCytology - Cervical Pap Smears (Sendaway Test)
Cervical Screening Test (Self Collect)
Cervical Smear for CytologyCytology - Cervical Pap Smears (Sendaway Test)
CF GENE (VCGS)Cystic Fibrosis Genotype (VCGS) (Sendaway Test)
CGAChromogranin A (Sendaway Test)
CGH arrayMicroarray
CH100Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
CH50Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
CHADCold Agglutinins
Chagas Disease SerologyAmerican trypanosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Chancroid PCRHaemophilus ducreyi PCR
Channel Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Charcot Marie Tooth Neuropathy Gene Tests (Sendaway Test)
ChickenAllergy to Meat Mix
Chicken Pox SerologyVaricella-Zoster Serology
Chickpea allergen
Chickpea allergenAllergy to Chickpea
Chikungunya Serology (Sendaway Test)
Chikungunya Virus PCRAlphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Chilli Pepper AllergenChilli Pepper Allergy
Chilli Pepper Allergy
Chlamydia (Respiratory) PCR (Sendaway Test)
Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea PCR (Eye, Anorectal, Throat/Pharyngeal)
Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea PCR (Urine, Vaginal, Cervical, Urethral)
Chlamydia pneumoniae PCRChlamydia (Respiratory) PCR (Sendaway Test)
Chlamydia psittaci PCRChlamydia (Respiratory) PCR (Sendaway Test)
Chlamydia psittaci Serology (Sendaway Test)
Chlamydia psittacosis serology (CLS)Atypical pneumonia serology
Chlamydia Serology (Respiratory)Chlamydia psittaci Serology (Sendaway Test)
Chlamydia serology (respiratory)Atypical pneumonia serology
Chlamydia trachomatis Serology (STI/ Genital)
Chlorhexidine Allergy
Chloride (Part of UEC)
Chocolate AllergyAllergy to Chocolate/ Cacao
Chol Trigs + HDLLipid Profile
Cholesterol (Fluid)
Cholinesterase (Sendaway Test)
Chromium Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Chromogranin A (Sendaway Test)
Chromomycosis serology
Chromosome Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Chromosome Analysis - Solid TumourCytogenetics - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Chromosome Analysis – Products of ConceptionKaryotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Chromosome Fragility test (Sendaway Test)
chromosome microarrayMicroarray
Chylomicrons (Fluid)Triglyceride (Fluid)
Ciprofloxacin level
CISConditional iron studies
Citrate Urine (Sendaway Test)
CitrullinePlasma Amino Acids
CJD Brain autopsyAutopsy - CJD Brain autopsy
CJD ProteinCreutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Protein (Sendaway Test)
CKCreatine Kinase
CK Isoenzymes (Sendaway Test)
cKit mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
CLChloride (Part of UEC)
CL1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
CL2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Cladosporium herbarumAllergen to Mould Mix
class 1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
class2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Classical PathwayTotal Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Clomipramine (Sendaway Test)
Clonorchis serology
clostridiumFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Clostridium difficile (confirmation)(Alfred)
Clostridium difficile Toxin
CloveAllergen to spice Mix fx71
CMP (Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphate)
CMV avidity testing (IgG)
CMV PCR (not viral load)Herpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
CMV PCR (Tissue)
CMV Resistance Testing (Sendaway Test)
CMV Serology
CMV Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
Co-Enzyme Q10
Coagulation Screen
Cobalt Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Cobalt Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Coccidioides Serology (Sendaway Test)
Coccidioidomycosis SerologyCoccidioides Serology (Sendaway Test)
Cochineal Allergy
CoconutAllergen to Nut Mix
Coconut allergyAllergy to Coconut
Cod allergenAllergy to cod
Coeliac Screen (Sendaway Test)
Coffee allergenAllergy to Coffee
Cold Agglutinins
Cold AggsCold Agglutinins
Cold Haemagglutinin Disease ScreenCold Agglutinins
Collagen Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
collagen binding assayVon Willebrand studies
Collagen VII ElisaAnti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
Collection tubesBlood Collection Tube Summary
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Pathology Service

Combined First Trimester Screening (CFTS)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Common Mitochondrial MutationCommon Mitochondrial Mutation/DNA Depletion studies
Common Mitochondrial Mutation/DNA Depletion studies
Common ragweedAllergen to Weed Mix
Common Wasp AllergyAllergen to Common Wasp
Common Wasp VenomAllergen to Common Wasp
Complement FunctionTotal Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Conditional iron studies
Confirmatory Legionella Urinary Antigen (Sendaway Test)
Conifer allergenAllergen to Conifer
Conjunctival Impression CytologyCytology - Conjuntival Impression (Sendaway Test)
conjunctival swabSwab for culture - superficial
Connexin 26 (Sendaway Test)
Contactin-1Nodal antibodies
Contactin-associated protein 2 Indirect immunofluorescenceAnti Cspr2
Coombs TestDirect Antiglobulin Test
Copper Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Copper Urine 24 hr (Sendaway Test)
Copper; Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Cord Group and DATNewborn Group and DAT
Cord KaryotypeKaryotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Coriander AllergenAllergy to Coriander
CornAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Corn allergyAllergy to Corn (Maize)
Corneal Impression CytologyCytology - Conjuntival Impression (Sendaway Test)
Coronavirus serology
Coronial Involvement in a DeathMortuary - The Coronial Process (Helpful Information)
Corynebacterium diphtheriae Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Cotinine; Urine (Sendaway Test)
Cotrimoxazole Level (Sendaway Test)
Couch allergy.Allergen to Bermuda
COVID19Wuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
COVID19 serology.Coronavirus serology
Cow danderAnimal Mix Allergen
Cows MilkAllergen to Cows Milk
Coxiella burnetii PCRQ Fever PCR (Sendaway Test)
Coxiella burnetii SerologyQ Fever Serology (Sendaway Test)
Coxsackie A PCREnterovirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Coxsackie B PCREnterovirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Coxsackie serology
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Coxsackie virus serologyEnterovirus Serology
CPT (Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase) on Muscle Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
CrCreatinine (Part of UEC)
crab allergenAllergen to Crab
crab allergyAllergen to Crab
CrClCreatinine Clearance
CRE CultureCRE Screen
CRE Screen
Creat. Cl.Creatinine Clearance
Creatine Kinase
Creatine Kinase IsoenzymesCK Isoenzymes (Sendaway Test)
Creatinine (Part of UEC)
Creatinine Clearance
Creatinine ExcretionTimed (24 hour) Urine Creatinine
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Protein (Sendaway Test)
Crimean - Congo virus haemorrhagic feverViral haemorrhagic fevers
CRPC-Reactive Protein
Cryo IssueCryoprecipitate Issue
CryofibrinogenCryoglobulin (Sendaway Test)
Cryoglobulin (Sendaway Test)
Cryoprecipitate Issue
Cryoprecipitate ReleaseCryoprecipitate Issue
Cryptococcal Antigen CSF (Sendaway Test)
Cryptococcal Antigen Serum (Sendaway Test)
Cryptosporidium stain
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


CsACyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
CSF ACECSF Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
CSF Amino Acids (Sendaway Test)
CSF Angiotensin Converting Enzyme
CSF BilirubinCSF Xanthochromia Screen (Sendaway Test)
CSF for CytologyCytology - CSF Specimens
CSF for CytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
CSF for CytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


CSF for Flow Cytometry
CSF Lactate (Sendaway Test)
CSF Microscopy & Culture
CSF Neurotransmitters (Sendaway Test)
CSF Protein & Glucose
CSF Xanthochromia Screen (Sendaway Test)
CST (Self Collect)Cervical Screening Test (Self Collect)
CTXC-Telopeptide (Sendaway Test)
CV2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Cx bladder
Cyclin D1 Gene Expression Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Cyclospora stain
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Cyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
Cyclosporin ACyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
CYP1A2CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP2C19CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP2C9CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP2D6CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP3A4CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP3A5CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
Cystatin C (Sendaway Test)
Cystic Fibrosis Genotype (VCGS) (Sendaway Test)
Cysticercosis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Cystine Urine (Sendaway Test)
CYT (cytotoxic ab)HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Cytogenetic Studies (Sendaway Test)
CytogeneticsCytogenetic Studies (Sendaway Test)
Cytogenetics - Genetic Counselling Services
Cytogenetics - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Cytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids
Cytology - Bronchial Brushing, Washing & BAL
Cytology - Cervical Pap Smears (Sendaway Test)
Cytology - Conjuntival Impression (Sendaway Test)
Cytology - CSF Specimens
Cytology - FNA Specimens
Cytology - Nipple SmearNipple Discharge Cytology
Cytology - Oesophageal, Bile Duct, Pancreatic & Ampulla Specimens
Cytology - Shared Sample with Microbiology
Cytology - Sputum
Cytology - Tzanck Smear
Cytology - Urine Cytology Specimens
Cytology - Vitreous Washings (Sendaway Test)
Cytomegalovirus SerologyCMV Serology
Cytomegalovirus Viral LoadCMV Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
Cytotoxic AbHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
D-Lactate (Serum/Plasma) (Sendaway Test)
D-Lactate (Urine) (Sendaway Test)
D15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D3HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D4HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
D5HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Dabigatran (Hemoclot)
DATDirect Antiglobulin Test
DCTDirect Antiglobulin Test
Deamidated Gliadin AntibodyGliadin Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Death CertificationMortuary - Cause of Death Certification
Deceased Patient Management - Death CertificationMortuary - Cause of Death Certification
Deceased Patient Management - The Coronial ProcessMortuary - The Coronial Process (Helpful Information)
Deceased Patient Management - Viewing DeceasedMortuary - Viewing Deceased
Dehydro-Epiandrosterone SulphateDHEAS (Sendaway Test)
delta Aminolevulinic Acid; Urine (Random/Spot)(Sendaway Test)
delta-ALAdelta Aminolevulinic Acid; Urine (Random/Spot)(Sendaway Test)
Dementia screeningSyphilis Serology
Dengue Fever strain specific neutralisation assay (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Dengue Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ATN1
Dermatophagoides farinaAllergy to Dust Mix
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinusAllergy to Dust Mix
Dermatophyte cultureNail Clippings for Fungi (Sendaway Test)
Dermatophyte Fungal Culture (Sendaway Test)
DFS-70Extended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
DGP AntibodyGliadin Antibody (Sendaway Test)
DGUOK Gene (Sendaway Test)
DHEAS (Sendaway Test)
DHTDihydrotestosterone (Sendaway Test)
Dibucaine NumberCholinesterase (Sendaway Test)
DIC Screen
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiencyDPYD Gene Testing (Sendaway Test)
Dihydrotestosterone (Sendaway Test)
Dipeptidyl amiopeptidase-like protein Indirect immunofluorescenceAnti Dppx
Diphtheria AntibodiesCorynebacterium diphtheriae Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Direct Antiglobulin Test
Direct Coombs TestDirect Antiglobulin Test
Direct Immunofloresence (skin)Histology - Skin for Immunofluorescence
Disaccharidases Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Diuretic Screen Urine (Sendaway Test)
DM2 ExclusionMyotonic Dystophy Type 2 Exclusion (Sendaway Test)
DMPK geneMyotonic Dystrophy Gene type 1 (Sendaway Test)
DNA depletion Studies.Common Mitochondrial Mutation/DNA Depletion studies
DNA Ploidy - Solid TissuePloidy Studies - Solid Tissue (Sendaway Test)
DNMT3AMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Dog AllergyAllergy to Dog Dander
Dog danderAnimal Mix Allergen
Dog Dander AllergyAllergy to Dog Dander
Donath Landsteiner AntibodyDonath-Landsteiner Test
Donath-Landsteiner Test
Donovanosis PCR
Double Stranded DNA Antibody
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Double Stranded DNA Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Downs Syndrome (Post Natal)Microarray
Downs Syndrome Cytogenetics (Pre Natal Sendaway Test)
DPD deficiencyDPYD Gene Testing (Sendaway Test)
DppxAnti Dppx
DPYD Gene Testing (Sendaway Test)
DQ105HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DQ2HLA for Coeliac Disease (Sendaway Test)
DQ8HLA for Coeliac Disease (Sendaway Test)
DQB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR15HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR3HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DR4HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
drain fluidPus Culture
DRB1 01HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DRB1 11HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
DRPLADentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy ATN1
DS DNADouble Stranded DNA Antibody (Sendaway Test)
DSAHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
DSADouble Stranded DNA Antibody (Sendaway Test)
DSA DS DNA dsDNADouble Stranded DNA Antibody
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


dsDNADouble Stranded DNA Antibody (Sendaway Test)
DSG1Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
DSG1 AbsAnti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
DSG1 AntibodiesAnti-Desmoglein 1 Antibodies
DSG3Anti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
DSG3 AbsAnti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
DSG3 AntibodiesAnti-Desmoglein 3 antibodies
DSTOvernight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Genotype (Sendaway Test)
Duodenal Aspirate
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Dust Mix allergyAllergy to Dust Mix
Dustmite (D.pteronyssinus) Allergen
Dystonia DYT1-GAG deletionDYT1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
DYT1 Gene (Sendaway Test)
E5MEosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
E5M flow cytometryEosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
ear swabSwab for culture - superficial
Ebola virusViral haemorrhagic fevers
EBV PCR / Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
EBV PCREBV PCR / Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
EBV Serology
EBV viral loadEBV PCR / Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
Ecarin Chromogenic Assay (ECA)Lepirudin (Sendaway Test)
ECG TraceElectrocardiograph Trace only
ECG Trace and ReportElectrocardiograph Trace and Report
Echinococcus granulosus SerologyHydatid Serology (Sendaway Test)
Echovirus PCREnterovirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Echovirus serologyEnterovirus Serology
eGFRCreatinine (Part of UEC)
EGFR mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
egg allergenAllergen to Egg
egg allergyAllergen to Egg
Egg whiteAllergy to Food Mix (Children
egg white allergenAllergen to Egg White
egg white allergyAllergen to Egg White
egg yolk allergenAllergen to Egg Yolk
egg yolk allergyAllergen to Egg Yolk
Eggplant allergenAllergy to Eggplant
Ehrlichia SerologyEhrlichia/Anaplasma Serology (Sendaway Test)
Ehrlichia/Anaplasma Serology (Sendaway Test)
EJ antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
ElastaseFaecal Elastase (Sendaway Test)
Electrocardiograph Trace and Report
Electrocardiograph Trace only
Electron Microscopy - CADASIL SkinHistology - Skin Biopsy CADASIL (Sendaway Test)
Electron Microscopy - Diagnostic Muscle & Nerve Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Electron Microscopy – Diagnostic (Renal) (Sendaway Test)
Electronic CrossmatchCrossmatch
Electronic IssueCrossmatch
Elm treeAllergy to Tree Mix
ema.Anti-Endomysial Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Encoding Mitochondrial Deoxyguanosine KinaseDGUOK Gene (Sendaway Test)
Endomysial AntibodiesAnti-Endomysial Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle BiopsyEUS - FNB
English plantainAllergen to Weed Mix
Entamoeba histolytica PCRFaeces Parasitic PCR
Entamoeba histolytica SerologyAmoebic Serology (Sendaway Test)
Enterobius vermicularisOva, cysts and parasites
Enteropathogenic E. coli (Sendaway Test)
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (Sendaway Test)
Enterovirus PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Enterovirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Enterovirus Serology
EntyvioVedolizumab (Sendaway Test)
Environmental screen
EnvoplakinAnti-skin Antibody Profile ELISA
Envoplakin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Eosin-5-Maleimide (Sendaway Test)
EPGSerum Protein Electrophoresis
EPOErythropoietin (Sendaway Test)
Epstein Barr Virus SerologyEBV Serology
Epstein-Barr PCREBV PCR / Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
Epstein-Barr Virus encoded RNA (EBER) - Paraffin Section ISH (Sendaway Test)
Epstein-Barr Virus Viral LoadEBV PCR / Viral Load (Sendaway Test)
Equine morbillivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Ertapenem (Free) (Sendaway Test)
Erythrocyte Sedimentation RateESR
Erythromycin level
Erythropoietin (Sendaway Test)
Erythropoietin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
ESBL cultureESBL screen
ESBL screen
Essential Fatty Acids
Estimated Glomerular Filtration RateeGFR
ETGUrine Ethyl Glucuronide (Sendaway Test)
Ethylene Glycol
Eucalyptus treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Euroimmun skin profileImmunobullous ELISA panel
European WaspAllergen to European Wasp
European Wasp IgEAllergen to European Wasp
Everolimus (Sendaway Test)
Extended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Extended Group and HoldBlood Group and Screen
Extended respiratory panel (BAL, sputum)
Extended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Extended spectrum beta lactamase screenESBL screen
eye swabSwab for culture - superficial
F-Actin AutoantibodiesAnti F-Actin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Fabry disease geneGALA Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
FACSLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


FACSLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Factor 10aAnti-Xa Apixaban
Factor 10a RivaroxabanAnti-Xa Rivaroxaban
Factor H level
Factor II
Factor IX
Factor IX Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Factor V
Factor V Gene MutationFactor V Leiden
Factor V Leiden
Factor VII
Factor VII issueNovoseven Issue
Factor VIII
Factor VIII Binding Assay (Sendaway Test)
Factor VIII Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Factor X
Factor XaAnti-Xa Apixaban
Factor XI
Factor XII
Factor XII Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Factor XIII Assay (Sendaway Test)
Factor XIII Inhibition Level (Sendaway Test)
Faecal A1ATAlpha-1 Antitrypsin; Faeces (Sendaway Test)
Faecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Faecal Calprotectin
Faecal CrystalsFaecal Fat globules/Faecal crystals (Randon Sample)
Faecal cultureFaeces Culture
Faecal Elastase (Sendaway Test)
Faecal Fat GlobulesFaecal Fat globules/Faecal crystals (Randon Sample)
Faecal Fat globules/Faecal crystals (Randon Sample)
faecal multiplex PCRFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Faecal Occult Blood (Sendaway Test)
Faecal Parasitic PCRFaeces Parasitic PCR
Faecal Reducing Substances (Sendaway Test)
Faecal viral multiplex PCR
Faeces Culture
Faeces ova cysts and parasitesOva, cysts and parasites
Faeces Parasitic PCR
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Genetic Screen
Familial Mediterranean Fever (Sendaway Test)
Farmers LungFungal Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
Fascioliasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Fasting Glucose (FLOX)
Fasting Glucose (Serum)
FDIVFetal Death swabs
Feather allergyAllergy to Feathers
Fennel seedAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
Fennel seed allergen
Fennel seed allergyFennel seed allergen
Fetal Death swabs
Fetal Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
Fetomaternal Haemorrhage - Flow Cytometry
Fetomaternal Haemorrhage - Flow Cytometry (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Fetomaternal Haemorrhage - Kleihauer
FFP ReleaseFresh Frozen Plasma Issue
FGF23 (Sendaway Test)
Fibrinogen Antigen
Filaria antibodiesFilarial serology (Sendaway Test)
Filaria Immunochromatography (Sendaway Test)
Filaria serologyFilarial serology (Sendaway Test)
Filarial serology (Sendaway Test)
Filariasis SerologyFilarial serology (Sendaway Test)
FiliariasisMicrofilaria (Sendaway Test)
Fine Needle Aspiration for CytologyCytology - FNA Specimens
FIP1L1-PDGFRA (Sendaway Test)
FIP1L1-PDGFRA Fusion (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


FishAllergy to Food Mix (Children
FishAllergen to Fish Mix
FISH for trisomy 21Downs Syndrome Cytogenetics (Pre Natal Sendaway Test)
Fish Mix allergyAllergen to Fish Mix
Flavivirus Group Ab ScreenFlavivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Flavivirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Flavivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Flaxseed allergenAllergy to Flaxseed
FLCSerum Free Light Chains
FlebogammaIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
Flecainide (Sendaway Test)
Flow (NHL)Leucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Flow (NHL)Leucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Flow CytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Flow cytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Flow CytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Flow cytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Flow Cytometry CSFCSF for Flow Cytometry
FLT 3FLT3 Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
FLT3 Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Flu virus PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Flucloxacillin Level (Sendaway Test)
Fluconazole (Sendaway Test)
Flucytosine (Sendaway Test)
Fluid Albumin
Fluid Amylase
Fluid Bilirubin
Fluid Cell Count and Culture
Fluid Creatinine
Fluid for Flow CytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Fluid for Flow CytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Fluid Glucose
Fluid LDH
Fluid Lipase
Fluid pH (pleural/ascitic)
Fluid Protein
Fluid Sodium
Fluid Urate
Fluid Urea
Fluid Uric AcidFluid Urate
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies (CSF)Syphilis Serology (CSF) (Sendaway Test)
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies (Serum)Syphilis Serology
Fluoride NumberCholinesterase (Sendaway Test)
Fluoxetine (Sendaway Test)
FMAITFetal Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
FMFFamilial Mediterranean Fever (Sendaway Test)
FMH - Flow CytometryFetomaternal Haemorrhage - Flow Cytometry (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


FMH - Flow CytometryFetomaternal Haemorrhage - Flow Cytometry
FMH - KleihauerFetomaternal Haemorrhage - Kleihauer
FMR1 geneFragile X-DNA Test (Sendaway Test)
FNATFetal Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
FOBFaecal Occult Blood (Sendaway Test)
FOBTFaecal Occult Blood (Sendaway Test)
Foetal Chromosome AnalysisKaryotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Foetal HaemoglobinThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Folate; Serum
Folic Acid; Red Cell FolateFolate; Serum
Follicle Stimulating HormoneFSH
Food Mix allergy (Children's food)Allergy to Food Mix (Children
Formalin ContainersHistology Specimen Containers
Fragile X-DNA Test (Sendaway Test)
FRDAFriedreich's ataxia
Free Alpha SubunitAlpha Subunit Glycoprotein (Sendaway Test)
Free Androgen Index
Free Fatty Acids
Free HaemoglobinHaemoglobin; Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Free PSA
Free T3
Free T4
Free TestosteroneTestosterone Free
Free ThyroxineFree T4
Free to Total PSA ratioFree PSA
Freideich Ataxia (Sendaway Test)
Fresh Frozen Plasma Issue
Fresh Frozen Plasma ReleaseFresh Frozen Plasma Issue
Friedreich's ataxia
Frontotemporal dementiaC9ORF72 Gene (Sendaway Test)
Frozen Sections
Fructosamine (Sendaway Test)
FTA ABSSyphilis Serology
FTDP-17MAPT Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
Full Blood ExaminationFBE
Full CrossmatchCrossmatch
Functional test for autoantibodies to interferons
Fungal blood cultureBlood culture fungal
Fungal MCS
Fungal PCR (Sendaway Test)
Fungal Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
Fusidic acid level
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


G-banded karyotypeChromosome Analysis (Sendaway Test)
G20210AProthrombin G20210A Mutation
G6PD Quantitation (Sendaway Test)
G6PD Screen
GABA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Gabapentin (Sendaway Test)
GAD 65Anti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GAD Antibodies
GAGGlycosaminoglycan Screen
Gal-alpha-1Allergy to Gal-alpha-1,3-Gal
GALAGALA Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
GALA Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
Galactomannan (BAL) (Sendaway Test)
Galactomannan Serology (Sendaway Test)
Galactomannan Serum (Sendaway Test)
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) activityGalactoscreen
Gamma Glutamyl TransferaseGGT (Part of LFT)
Gamma GTGGT (Part of LFT)
Gamma-amino-butyric acid Indirect immunofluorescenceGABA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GamunexIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies
Garlic allergenAllergy to Garlic
Gastric Parietal Cell AutoantibodyAnti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Gastrin (Sendaway Test)
GBS screenGroup B Strep Screen swab
GBV-C PCRHepatitis G Virus RNA by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Gene Rearrangement Analysis (Tissue) (Sendaway Test)
Genetic Counselling - Foetal AbnormalitiesCytogenetics - Genetic Counselling Services
GeneXpert for TBTB PCR on Sputum
Genital cultureSwab for culture - genital
German cockroachAllergy to Dust Mix
German Measles SerologyRubella IgG Serology
GFRCreatinine (Part of UEC)
GGT (Part of LFT)
GHGrowth Hormone (Sendaway Test)
GH Supp TestGrowth Hormone (GH) Suppression Test
GHBHaemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Gilbert's syndrome PCRGilbert
GingerAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
Ginger allergenAllergy to Ginger
Glandular fever serologyEBV Serology
Glia Nuclear antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Gliadin Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Globulin Chain Synthesis (Sendaway Test)
Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Glucagon (Sendaway Test)
Glucose FluidFluid Glucose
Glucose Tolerance Test
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase QuantitationG6PD Quantitation (Sendaway Test)
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ScreenG6PD Screen
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase AntibodiesGAD Antibodies
GlutaminePlasma Amino Acids
Gluten allergenAllergy to Gluten
Glycated HaemoglobinHaemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
GlycinePlasma Amino Acids
Glycoprotein 1 IgM AntibodiesBeta-2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies (Sendaway Test) - IgM subtype only
Glycosaminoglycan Screen
GM 1 abAnti Monosialoganglioside-GM1 (Sendaway Test)
GM-CSF antibody
Gnathastomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Goat Milk AllergyAllergy to Goats Milk
Gonorrhoea culture - genitalSwab for culture - genital
Gonorrhoea Culture - non genital
GoosefootAllergen to Weed Mix
GP 210Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GP210Anti GP 210 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
GQ1b AntibodiesAnti GQ1b Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Grain Cereal Mix allergyAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Granulocyte Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Grape AllergenAllergy to Grape
Grass mix allergyAllergy to Grass Mix
Group A Arbovirus PCRAlphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Group and AntibodiesBlood Group and Screen
Group and DCTNewborn Group and DAT
Group and HoldBlood Group and Screen
Group and ScreenBlood Group and Screen
Group B Arbovirus PCRFlavivirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Group B Arbovirus SerologyFlavivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Group B Strep Screen swab
Growth Hormone (GH) Suppression Test
Growth Hormone (Sendaway Test)
GT1a Antibody (CSF) (Sendaway Test)
GTTGlucose Tolerance Test
Gum treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
H. ducreyi PCRHaemophilus ducreyi PCR
H.pylori cultureHelicobacter pylori culture
H630Hereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
HadlimaAdalimumab (Sendaway Test)
haematomaPus Culture
Haemochromatosis (HLA-H) GentotypingHereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
Haemoglobin (Hb) DNA analysisThalassaemia Gene Testing
Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
Haemoglobin H (Sendaway Test)
Haemoglobin sequencingThalassaemia Gene Testing
Haemoglobin-oxygen affinityP50
Haemoglobin; Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Haemoglobinopathy DNAThalassaemia Gene Testing
Haemolysis Screen (DAT,LDH, Haptoglobin and Retics)
Haemophiliac Genetic Testing (Sendaway Test)
Haemophilus ducreyiHaemophilus ducreyi PCR
Haemophilus ducreyi PCR
Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Serology (Sendaway Test)
Haemosiderin Urine (Sendaway Test)
Hair for fungal cultureDermatophyte Fungal Culture (Sendaway Test)
HazelnutAllergen to Nut Mix
hazelnut allergenAllergen to Hazelnut
hazelnut allergyAllergen to Hazelnut
Hb DNAThalassaemia Gene Testing
Hb electrophoresisThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Hb FThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Hb HHaemoglobin H (Sendaway Test)
Hb HThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
HbA2Thalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
HBc IgMHepatitis B Core IgM
HBc TotalHepatitis B Core Antibody (Total)
HbEPGThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
HBsAbHepatitis B Surface Antibody
HCG-Tumour Marker (Sendaway Test)
HCO3Bicarbonate (Part of UEC)
HCVHepatitis C Serology
HDMDustmite (D.pteronyssinus) Allergen
HDMAllergy to Dust Mix
Heart AutoantibodyAnti-Heart Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Helicobacter biopsy (formaldehyde)
Helicobacter biopsy urea testHUT test
Helicobacter pylori culture
Helicobacter pylori IgG (Sendaway Test)
Helicobacter pylori SerologyHelicobacter pylori IgG (Sendaway Test)
Helicobacter pylori stool Antigen (Sendaway Test)
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Hendra virus SerologyEquine morbillivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Hep A serologyHepatitis A IgG (Sendaway Test)
Hep A serologyHepatitis A IgM (Sendaway Test)
Hep C confirmationHepatitis C Supplemental/Confirmation Test (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Hep C PCRHepatitis C Virus RNA by PCR
Heparin Cofactor II (Sendaway Test)
Heparin Induced Platelet Serotonin Release (Sendaway Test)
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopaenia Screen
Hepatic Iron IndexIron Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis A IgG (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis A IgM (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B "e" antibody
Hepatitis B "e" antigen
Hepatitis B Antigen (Quantitative) (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Total)
Hepatitis B Core IgM
Hepatitis B Core IgM (Confirmation) (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B DNA / Viral Load
Hepatitis B DNA by PCRHepatitis B DNA / Viral Load
Hepatitis B Genotyping.Hepatitis B Virus Sequencing (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B Resistance TestingHepatitis B Virus Sequencing (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
Hepatitis B Surface AntigenHBsAg
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (Quantitative)Hepatitis B Antigen (Quantitative) (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Confirmation (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis B Virus Sequencing (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis C resistance testing
Hepatitis C Serology
Hepatitis C Supplemental/Confirmation Test (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Hepatitis C viral loadHepatitis C Viral Load (Alfred)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Hepatitis C Viral Load (Alfred)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Hepatitis C Viral Load (NPV)
Hepatitis C Virus Genotype (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis C Virus RNA by PCR
Hepatitis D Virus RNA by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis Delta Serology (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis E IgGHepatitis E Serology (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis E PCRHepatitis E viral load (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis E Serology (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis E viral load (Sendaway Test)
Hepatitis G Virus RNA by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Hepatititis B "e" Antigen (Quantitative)Hepatitis B Antigen (Quantitative) (Sendaway Test)
HER2 ISH Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
Hereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
Hereditary Neuropathy Pressure Palsies (Sendaway Test)
Herpes Simplex Serology (Sendaway Test)
Herpes Simplex Virus PCR - Formalin Fixed Paraffin SectionsHSV 1 & 2 PCR – Formalin Fixed Paraffin Sections (Sendaway Test)
Herpes Simplex Virus Type Specific AntibodyHSV Type Specific Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Herpes Smear for CytologyCytology - Tzanck Smear
Herpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
HEVHepatitis E Serology (Sendaway Test)
HFEHereditary Haemochromatosis Gene (Sendaway Test)
HH8V PCRHuman Herpes 8 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
HHV6 PCRHuman Herpes 6 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
HHV6 SerologyHuman Herpes 6 Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
HIB SerologyHaemophilus Influenzae Type b Serology (Sendaway Test)
High Molecular Weight Kininogen Assay
High Sensitivity CRP (Sendaway Test)
HistologyHistology Tissue Biopsy
Histology - EBER ISH Paraffin SectionEpstein-Barr Virus encoded RNA (EBER) - Paraffin Section ISH (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Electron Microscopy on Muscle & Nerve BiopsyElectron Microscopy - Diagnostic Muscle & Nerve Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Formalin First Aid Measures
Histology - Formalin Health & Safety
Histology - Formalin Spill Response
Histology - Frozen SectionsFrozen Sections
Histology - HER2 ISH – Paraffin SectionHER2 ISH Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Muscle BiopsyMuscle Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Nerve BiopsyNerve Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Renal Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Skin Biopsy CADASIL (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Skin for Alopecia (Sendaway Test)
Histology - Skin for Immunofluorescence
Histology - Specimen Handling Guide
Histology Gene Rearrangement (Tissue)Gene Rearrangement Analysis (Tissue) (Sendaway Test)
Histology Specimen Containers
Histology Tissue Biopsy
Histology – Electron Microscopy – Diagnostic (Renal)Electron Microscopy – Diagnostic (Renal) (Sendaway Test)
Histology-Cytogenetics (POC)Karyotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Histology-Cytogenetics Solid TumourCytogenetics - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Histone (Sendaway Test)
HistopathologyHistology Tissue Biopsy
Histoplasma Serology (Sendaway Test)
HITSHeparin Induced Thrombocytopaenia Screen
HIV CXCR4 receptor assay HIV CCR5 receptor assay Maraviroc resistance assay HIV Co-receptor Trophism assayCCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
HIV p24 AntigenP24 HIV Antigen Serology (Sendaway Test)
HIV Proviral DNAHIV-1 PCR (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


HIV Proviral DNA on Seminal PlasmaHIV-1 PCR on Seminal Plasma (Sendaway Test)
HIV RNA Genotyping (Sendaway Test)
HIV SerologyHIV
HIV Serology (Confirmation) (Sendaway Test)
HIV Tropism AssayCCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
HIV Viral Load (CSF sendaway test)
HIV viral load (EDTA)
HIV Western BlotHIV Serology (Confirmation) (Sendaway Test)
HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor Susceptibility (Sendaway Test)
HIV-1 PCR (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


HIV-1 PCR on Seminal Plasma (Sendaway Test)
HIV-2 PCR Drug Resistance Genotype
HLA for Coeliac Disease (Sendaway Test)
HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HLA Antibody ScreenGranulocyte Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HLA antibody testing (e.g. cytotoxic antibodiesHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HLA AntigensHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HLA B27 (Sendaway Test)
HLA B51 (Sendaway Test)
HLA B57 (Sendaway Test)
HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA typing for SjorgrensHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA- DQA1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-AHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-BHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-B 15:02 Carbamazepine hypersensitivity
HLA-CHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DPA2HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DPB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DQB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLA-DRB1HLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
HLAB27HLA B27 (Sendaway Test)
HLH familial panelHemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
HMG-coA antibodiesHMG-coA reductase
HMG-coA reductase
Homocysteine (Sendaway Test)
Honey allergenAllergy to honey
Horse danderAnimal Mix Allergen
Horse dander allergenAllergy to Horse dander
house dust miteDustmite (D.pteronyssinus) Allergen
House dust miteAllergy to Dust Mix
HPSA TestHelicobacter pylori stool Antigen (Sendaway Test)
HPV PCRHuman Papilloma virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
hs-cTnITroponin I
HS-TNITroponin I
hsCRPHigh Sensitivity CRP (Sendaway Test)
HSP70Anti-68kD HSP 70 Inner Ear Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HSV 1 & 2 PCR – Formalin Fixed Paraffin Sections (Sendaway Test)
HSV Resistance Testing (Sendaway Test)
HSV SerologyHerpes Simplex Serology (Sendaway Test)
HSV Type Specific Antibody (Sendaway Test)
HSV-1 PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
HSV-2 PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
HTLV 1 PCR (Sendaway Test)
HTLV 1/2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
HTT gene mutationHuntington (Sendaway Test)
Hu antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Human Albumin ReleaseAlburex Issue
Human Chorionic GonadotropinHCG
Human Epididymal Protein 4HE4
Human Herpes 6 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Human Herpes 6 Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Human Herpes 8 Virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus SerologyHIV
human metapneumovirus PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Human Papilloma virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
HumiraAdalimumab (Sendaway Test)
Huntington (Sendaway Test)
HUT test
Hydatid Disease Microscopy
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Hydatid Serology (Sendaway Test)
Hydroxybutyrate (Sendaway Test)
IA2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IATAntibody Screen
IBM antibodyAnti CN1A
iCaIonised Calcium
ICSAnti-Skin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IDHIDH mutation
IDH mutation
IDH1IDH mutation
IDH2IDH mutation
IF AbIntrinsic Factor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
IFXInfliximab (Sendaway Test)
IgD (Sendaway Test)
IgE peanutAllergen to Peanuts
IgE (Sendaway Test)
IgE AvocadoAllergen to Avocado
IgE Bee allergenAllergen to Bees
IgE European WaspAllergen to European Wasp
IgE LatexAllergen to Latex
IgE LycheeAllergen to Lychee
IgE MangoAllergen to Mango
IgE Paper waspAllergen to Paper Wasp
IGF1Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (Sendaway Test)
IGFBP3 (Sendaway Test)
IgG F-Actin AutoantibodiesAnti F-Actin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IgG Subclasses
IgG SubsetsIgG Subclasses
IgG/Albumin ratio CSFOligoclonal Bands CSF and Serum (Sendaway Test)
IgG4IgG Subclasses
IGH Gene Rearrangement (Tissue)Gene Rearrangement Analysis (Tissue) (Sendaway Test)
IGH Gene RearrangementsImmunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Rearrangements (Sendaway Test)
IgLON5 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
IGRAQuantiFERON®-TB Kit (Sendaway Test)
IL28B Genotype (Sendaway Test)
IMInfectious Mononucleosis Screen
Immune Function Tests (Sendaway Test)
Immunobullous ELISA panel
Immunofixation ElectrophoresisSerum Protein Electrophoresis
Immunoglobulin AIgA
Immunoglobulin DIgD (Sendaway Test)
Immunoglobulin EIgE (Sendaway Test)
Immunoglobulin GIgG
Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Rearrangements (Sendaway Test)
Immunoglobulin MIgM
Immunoglobulins IgG IgM IgAImmunoglobulins
ImmunohistochemistryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
ImmunohistochemistryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


ImmunophenotypeLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


ImmunophenotypeLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
ImmunophenotypingLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


ImmunophenotypingLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Indirect antiglobulin testAntibody Screen
Indirect CoombsAntibody Screen
Infectious Mononucleosis Screen
InflectraInfliximab (Sendaway Test)
Infliximab (Sendaway Test)
Influenza A & B Serology (Sendaway Test)
Influenza A SerologyInfluenza A & B Serology (Sendaway Test)
Influenza A/B PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Influenza B SerologyInfluenza A & B Serology (Sendaway Test)
Inhibin B
Inhibition Level Factor 10 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 11 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 2 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 5 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 7 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 8 (Sendaway Test)
Inhibition Level Factor 9 (Sendaway Test)
Inorganic PhosphatePhosphate (Part of CMP)
Insects for identification
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Insulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (Sendaway Test)
Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3IGFBP3 (Sendaway Test)
Intercellular SubstanceAnti-Skin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Interferon Gamma
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Interferon-Gamma assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosisQuantiFERON®-TB Kit (Sendaway Test)
Interphase FISH test (post natal)
Intravenous catheter tip cultureCatheter Tip Culture
Intravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
Intrinsic Factor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
inv16Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Inversion 16 Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Iodine Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Ionised Calcium
IronIron Studies
Iron Studies
Iron Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Iron Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Iron Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Islet Antigen 2 AntibodiesIA2 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Isocitrate DehydrogenaseIDH mutation
Isoelectric Focussing CSFOligoclonal Bands CSF and Serum (Sendaway Test)
IsohaemagglutininRenal Antibody Titre
IsoleucinePlasma Amino Acids
Isopropanol Precipitation Test (Sendaway Test)
Itraconazole (Sendaway Test)
IUDSwab for culture - genital
IvIg IssueIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
IvIg ReleaseIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
JAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Jak2 V617FJAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
JAK2e14JAK2 Kinase Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Japanese B Encephalitis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Japanese encephalitis virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
JBE PCRJapanese encephalitis virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
JC virus PCRPolyomavirus PCR (includes BK and JC viruses) (Sendaway Test)
JCV Clinical Trial
Johnson grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Joint Fluid
KPotassium (Part of UEC)
Kappa/Lambda RatioSerum Free Light Chains
KaryotypeChromosome Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Karyotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Karyotype Analysis - Solid TumourCytogenetics - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Karyotype Analysis PostnatalKaryotype - Products of Conception (Sendaway Test)
Kennedy's Disease Molecular StudiesKennedy
KeppraLevetiracetam (Sendaway Test)
KetonesHydroxybutyrate (Sendaway Test)
Kidney StoneCalculi Analysis (Sendaway Test)
KiovigIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
KIT mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Kiwi Fruit allergyAllergy to Kiwi Fruit
Klebsiella serology
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


KRAS mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Ku antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Ku antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Kunjin Virus SerologyMurray Valley Encephalitis virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Kunjin virus serology (Sendaway Test)
LALupus anticoagulant
LACLupus anticoagulant
Lactate Dehydrogenase
Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes (Sendaway Test)
Lactoferrin-ANCA (Sendaway Test)
Lamb allergenAllergy to Lamb
Lamb's quartersAllergen to Weed Mix
LamictalLamotrigine (Sendaway Test)
Lamivudine resistance assayHepatitis B Virus Sequencing (Sendaway Test)
Lamotrigine (Sendaway Test)
LASLupus anticoagulant
Lassa virusViral haemorrhagic fevers
Latex allergenAllergen to Latex
Latex IgEAllergen to Latex
Laxative Screen (urine)Laxative Screen Urine (Sendaway Test)
Laxative Screen Urine (Sendaway Test)
LCMSMS TestosteroneTestosterone LCMSMS (Sendaway Test)
LCMV PCRLymphocytic choriomeningitis virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
LDLactate Dehydrogenase
LDHLactate Dehydrogenase
LDH FluidFluid LDH
LDH IsoenzymesLactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes (Sendaway Test)
LELupus anticoagulant
Lead Blood (Sendaway Test)
Lead Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Legionella culture
Legionella Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Legionella Serology (Sendaway Test)
Legionella serology (SLG)Atypical pneumonia serology
Legionella Urinary Antigen
Leigh Syndrome GeneNARP Gene (Sendaway Test)
Leishmania PCR (Sendaway Test)
Leishmania Serology (Sendaway Test)
Lemon allergen
Lemon allergyLemon allergen
Lentil allergenAllergy to Lentils
Lepirudin (Sendaway Test)
Leprosy IgM
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Leptospirosis PCR
Leptospirosis Serology (Sendaway Test)
LeucinePlasma Amino Acids
Leucine –rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Indirect immunofluorescenceLGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
Leucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Leucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Leucocyte Lysosomal EnzymeWhite Cell Enzymes
Leucocyte surface markersLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Leucocyte surface markersLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Levetiracetam (Sendaway Test)
LFTLiver Function Tests (Includes TP, ALB, ALT, GGT, TBI, ALP, and AST)
LGI- 1 Antibodies (Sendaway)
LGV PCRLymphogranuloma venereum PCR (Sendaway Test)
LHLuteinising Hormone
LHON Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Limbal Impression CytologyCytology - Conjuntival Impression (Sendaway Test)
Lime allergen
Lime allergyLime allergen
Linseed allergenAllergy to Linseed
Lipid Profile
Lipids + HDLLipid Profile
Lipoprotein (a)
Listeria monocytogenes PCR
Listeria Serology
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


liver cytosol antibodiesAnti liver cytosol antibodies
Liver Function Tests (Includes TP, ALB, ALT, GGT, TBI, ALP, and AST)
Liver IronIron Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Liver Kidney Microsome AutoantibodyAnti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
LKMAnti-Liver Kidney Microsome Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
LNGSLymphoid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Lobster allergenAllergen to Lobster
Lobster allergyAllergen to Lobster
LovageAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 4LRP4 Antibodies
Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression TestOvernight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
Lp(a)Lipoprotein (a)
LRP4LRP4 Antibodies
LRP4 Antibodies
LSAAnti soluble liver / liver pancreas antibodies
Lupin allergenAllergy to lupin
Lupus anticoagulant
Lupus Inhibitor ScreenLupus anticoagulant
Luteinising Hormone
Lychee allergenAllergen to Lychee
Lychee IgEAllergen to Lychee
Lyme disease PCR (Sendaway Test)
Lyme disease SerologyBorrelia burgdorferi Serology (Sendaway Test)
Lyme disease Western BlotBorrelia burgdorferi Western Blot Confirmation (Sendaway Test)
Lymphocyte function testImmune Function Tests (Sendaway Test)
Lymphocyte subclassLymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Lymphocyte subclassLymphocyte subset (Adult only)
Lymphocyte subset (Adult only)
Lymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
Lymphocyte Surface MarkersLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Lymphocyte Surface MarkersLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Lymphogranuloma venereum PCR (Sendaway Test)
Lymphoid Next Generation Sequencing PanelLymphoid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Lymphoid NGS (Sendaway Test)
LysinePlasma Amino Acids
Lyssavirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
M.genitalium PCRMycoplasma genitalium PCR (STI/STD Screen)
M.tuberculosis Interferon-Gamma assayQuantiFERON®-TB Kit (Sendaway Test)
Ma antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Ma1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Ma2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
MACMycobacteria Culture Report (Sendaway Test)
MAC CultureBlood Culture for Mycobacteria
Macadamia allergenAllergen to Macadamia
MaceAllergen to spice Mix fx71
Macroprolactin Screen (Sendaway Test)
MAG AntibodyMyelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Magnesium (Part of CMP)
MaizeAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Maize allergyAllergy to Corn (Maize)
Malaleuca treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Malaria Immunochromatographic TestMalarial Parasite Investigation
Malaria Thick and Thin filmsMalarial Parasite Investigation
Malarial Parasite Confirmation (Sendaway Test)
Malarial Parasite Investigation
Mandarin allergenAllergen to Mandarin
Mandarin allergyAllergen to Mandarin
Manganese Blood (Sendaway Test)
Manganese Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Manganese Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Manganese Urine (Random) (Sendaway test)
Mango allergenAllergen to Mango
Mango IgEAllergen to Mango
Mannose Binding Lectin Assay (Sendaway Test)
Mantoux Test
Maple treeAllergy to Tree Mix
MAPT Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
Marburg virusViral haemorrhagic fevers
MarjoramAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
Mast cell tryptaseTryptase (Sendaway Test)
Maternal Antibody TitrationMaternal Antibody Titre
Maternal Antibody Titre
Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
MBCELLMemory B-cell (Sendaway Test)
MCP (N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxylamide)Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
MDA5Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Meadow grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Measles IgG Serology
Measles IgM Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Measles PCR (Sendaway Test)
Meat AllergyAllergy to Meat Mix
Meat Mix AllergyAllergy to Meat Mix
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


MEFVFamilial Mediterranean Fever (Sendaway Test)
MELAS 3243 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Melioidosis SerologyBurkholderia pseudomallei Serology (Sendaway Test)
Melon allergenAllergy to melon
Memory B-cell (Sendaway Test)
Memory T cells (sendaway test)
Meningococcal PCRNeisseria meningitidis by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Mercury Blood (Sendaway Test)
Mercury Urine (24 hr) (Sendaway Test)
Mercury Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Meropenem (Sendaway Test)
Mesothelin related peptides
Metabolic Screen Urine (Sendaway Test)
Metanephrine PlasmaMetanephrines Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Metanephrine UrineMetanephrines Urine (Sendaway Test)
Metanephrines Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Metanephrines Urine (Sendaway Test)
Methanol (Sendaway Test)
MethioninePlasma Amino Acids
Methotrexate (Sendaway Test)
Methoxytyramine PlasmaMetanephrines Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Methylation study for Prader -Willi Syndrome
Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase mutation (Sendaway Test)
Methylmalonic Acid Urine (Sendaway Test)
Mexiletine (Sendaway Test)
MGMagnesium (Part of CMP)
Mi-2 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Mi-2 antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
MicroalbuminuriaRandom/Spot Urine Albumin
Microarray (Paediatric)Microarray
Microbiology - Shared Cytology SampleCytology - Shared Sample with Microbiology
Microdeletion/microduplication FISH
Microfilaria (Sendaway Test)
Micropolyspora precipitinsFungal Precipitins (Sendaway Test)
Microtubule Associated Protein Gene TestMAPT Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
MilkAllergy to Food Mix (Children
Mineralised Bone HistologyBone Biopsy (Mineralised Bone Histology) (Sendaway Test)
mirenaSwab for culture - genital
miscarriageFetal Death swabs
Mitochondrial Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Mitochondrial DNA targeted 22 mutation panel (+3 POLG)Common Mitochondrial Mutation/DNA Depletion studies
Mixed Lineage Leukaemia - Partial Tandem Duplication (Sendaway Test)
MMFMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
MNGSMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
MNGS PanelMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Mol KaryotypeMicroarray
Molecular KaryotypeMicroarray
Monkey Pox Virus PCR
MonospotInfectious Mononucleosis Screen
Morphine allergyAllergy to Morphine
Mortuary - Adult Hospital Autopsy (Non Coronial)Autopsy - Adult Hospital (Non Coronial)
Mortuary - Cause of Death Certification
Mortuary - CJD Brain autopsyAutopsy - CJD Brain autopsy
Mortuary - The Coronial Process (Helpful Information)
Mortuary - Viewing Deceased
Motor Neurone Disease Gene (Sendaway Test)
Mould AllergenAllergen to Mould Mix
mouth swabSwab for culture - superficial
MPA AUCMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
MPA MofetilMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
MPL Gene (Sendaway Test)
MPN NGSMyeloproliferative Neoplasm (via NGS)
MPN panelMyeloproliferative Neoplasm (via NGS)
MPO antibodyMyeloperoxidase Antibody (Sendaway Test)
MPSGlycosaminoglycan Screen
MRSA Screen
MS FAGENEFreideich Ataxia (Sendaway Test)
MS LNGSLymphoid NGS (Sendaway Test)
MSH2 (Sendaway Test)
MSH2 Predictive TestMSH2 (Sendaway Test)
MSUUrine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture
MTHFRMethylene tetrahydrofolate reductase mutation (Sendaway Test)
MucupolysaccharidesGlycosaminoglycan Screen
MugwortAllergen to Weed Mix
Mumps IgG Serology
Mumps IgM Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Mumps PCR (Sendaway Test)
Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus PCR
Murray Valley Encephalitis virus SerologyMurray Valley Encephalitis virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Murray Valley Encephalitis virus SerologyKunjin virus serology (Sendaway Test)
Murray Valley Encephalitis virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Muscarinic antibodiesAcetylcholine Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Muscle Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
Muscle Specific Kinase Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Mushroom allergenAllergy to Mushroom
MUSKMuscle Specific Kinase Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Mussels Allergen
Mustard AllergenAllergy to Mustard
MuttonAllergy to Lamb
MVEKunjin virus serology (Sendaway Test)
MVE virus serologyMurray Valley Encephalitis virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
MycoMycoplasma Serology (Respiratory)
Mycobacteria Culture Report (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacteria Blood CultureBlood Culture for Mycobacteria
Mycobacterial PCR (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacterium avian complexMycobacteria Culture Report (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacterium species PCRMycobacterial PCR (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis PCR - Paraffin SectionTB PCR on Paraffin Sections (Sendaway Test)
Mycobacterium ulcerans PCR (Sendaway Test)
Mycophenolate AUCMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
Mycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
Mycoplasma (genital type) Culture
Mycoplasma (genital type) PCRMycoplasma genitalium PCR (STI/STD Screen)
Mycoplasma (MYC)Atypical pneumonia serology
Mycoplasma genitalium PCR (STI/STD Screen)
Mycoplasma hominis culture
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Mycoplasma PCRMycoplasma pneumoniae PCR (Respiratory)
Mycoplasma pneumonia serology.Mycoplasma Serology (Respiratory)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae PCR (Respiratory)
Mycoplasma Serology (Respiratory)
myDNACYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein AntibodyMyelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Myeloid Next Generation Sequencing PanelMyeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
Myeloperoxidase Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Myeloproliferative Leukaemia Virus OncogeneMPL Gene (Sendaway Test)
Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (via NGS)
Myfortic.Mycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
Myoclonus Epilepsy Ragged Red Fibres (Sendaway Test)
Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Myotonia CongenitaChannel Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Myotonic Dystophy Type 2 Exclusion (Sendaway Test)
Myotonic Dystrophy Gene type 1 (Sendaway Test)
N-methyl-D-aspartate Indirect immunofluorescenceNMDA Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
NASodium (Part of UEC)
Naegleria Isozyme speciation (Sendaway Test)
Nail clippings for fungal cultureDermatophyte Fungal Culture (Sendaway Test)
Nail Clippings for Fungi (Sendaway Test)
NARP Gene (Sendaway Test)
NAT Testing (HIV HCV HBV)Nucleic Acid Testing (HIV-1, HCV, HBV)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Natural Killer cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Natural Killer cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult only)
NDMA receptor abNMDA Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Needlestick - Double ExposureOccupational Double Exposure
Needlestick - RecipientOccupational Exposure - Recipient
Needlestick - SourceOccupational Exposure - Source
Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultureGonorrhoea Culture - non genital
Neisseria meningitidis by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Neonatal Group and DATNewborn Group and DAT
NeoralCyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
Neoral C2Cyclosporin (Sendaway Test)
Nerve Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
NeulinTheophylline (Sendaway Test)
Neurone Specific Enolase (Sendaway Test)
Neutrophil function assay
Newborn Group and CoombesNewborn Group and DAT
Newborn Group and DAT
NF-155/186Nodal antibodies
NiacinVitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
Nickel Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Nipple Discharge Cytology
NK cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


NK cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult only)
NMDA Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
NMDARNMDA Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
NMN (N1-methylnicotinamide)Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
NMO IgG AntibodyAnti-NMO IgG Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Nocardia culture
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Nodal antibodies
NorclomipramineClomipramine (Sendaway Test)
Normandy (Von Willebrand Factor) Gene Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Normetanephrine PlasmaMetanephrines Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Normetanephrine UrineMetanephrines Urine (Sendaway Test)
NorovirusFaecal viral multiplex PCR
Nortriptyline (Sendaway Test)
nose swabSwab for culture - superficial
novel coronavirus serologyCoronavirus serology
NOVO7Novoseven Issue
Novoseven Issue
Novoseven releaseNovoseven Issue
NPM1 Gene MutationNucleophosmin (NPM1) Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


NRAS mutation (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
NS1 AntigenDengue Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
NSENeurone Specific Enolase (Sendaway Test)
NT-Pro B-Type Natriuretic PeptideNT-proBNP
NT5C1A antibodyAnti CN1A
Nucleic Acid Testing (HIV-1, HCV, HBV)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Nucleophosmin (NPM1) Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Nucleosome antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
NUDT15TPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
Nut Mix allergyAllergen to Nut Mix
Oak treeAllergy to Tree Mix
OatAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Oat allergenAllergen to Oat
Oat allergyAllergen to Oat
Occupational Double Exposure
Occupational Exposure - Recipient
Occupational Exposure - Source
OCPOva, cysts and parasites
OctagamIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
octopus allergenAllergen to Octopus
octopus allergyAllergen to Octopus
ODG 1p/19q LOH - Paraffin FISH1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas - Paraffin FISH(Sendaway Test)
ODG 1p/19q LOH - Paraffin PCR (Molecular)1p/19q gene deletion in Oligodendrogliomas – Paraffin PCR (Molecular) (Sendaway Test)
Oesophageal Fluid for CytologyCytology - Oesophageal, Bile Duct, Pancreatic & Ampulla Specimens
Oestradiol (LC-MS) (Sendaway Test)
OGTTGlucose Tolerance Test
OGTT with GHGrowth Hormone (GH) Suppression Test
OJ antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Olanzapine (Sendaway Test)
Oligoclonal Bands CSF and Serum (Sendaway Test)
Oligoclonal IgG (CSF)Oligoclonal Bands CSF and Serum (Sendaway Test)
Olive treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Onion allergenAllergy to Onion
Opiate ConfirmationUrine Drug Screen Confirmations (Sendaway Test)
Orange allergenAllergy to Orange
Organic Acids Urine (Sendaway Test)
OrnithinePlasma Amino Acids
OstaseBone Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
Ova, cysts and parasites
Ovarian autoantibodiesAnti-Ovarian Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Overnight 1mg Dexamethasone Suppression TestOvernight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
Oxcarbazepine (Sendaway Test)
Oxypurinol (Sendaway Test)
Oyster allergyAllergy to Oyster
P - tauAlzheimer's Disease (AD) testing
p190BCR-ABL P190
P1NP (Sendaway Test)
p210BCR-ABL P210
P24 HIV Antigen Serology (Sendaway Test)
PALB2 (Sendaway Test)
PALB2 Predictive testPALB2 (Sendaway Test)
PaliperidoneRisperidone (Sendaway Test)
Pan Fungal PCRFungal PCR (Sendaway Test)
Pan Fungal PCR – Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
pANCAANCA (Sendaway Test)
Pancreatic Fluid for CytologyCytology - Oesophageal, Bile Duct, Pancreatic & Ampulla Specimens
Pancreatic Polypeptide (Sendaway Test)
Panfungal PCR
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Pap Smears for CytologyCytology - Cervical Pap Smears (Sendaway Test)
Papaya allergenAllergy to Pawpaw
Papaya allergenAllergy to papaya
Paper Wasp allergenAllergen to Paper Wasp
Paper wasp IgEAllergen to Paper Wasp
PAPPA-A; free beta hCGMaternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Paprika AllergenPaprika Allergy
Paprika Allergy
Paragonimus serology
parainfluenza PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Paraneoplastic antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Paranodal antibodiesNodal antibodies
ParaproteinsSerum Protein Electrophoresis
ParasitesOva, cysts and parasites
Parathyroid Hormone
Parathyroid Hormone-Related PeptidePTHrP
Parechovirus PCRParechovirus
Parietal Cell AntibodyAnti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Parkin Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Parkinsons Disease Genetic Screen (Sendaway Test)
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Phenotype (Sendaway Test)
Parvo B19Parvovirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Parvovirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Parvovirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Paspalum grassAllergy to Bahia grass
Patient Refuses Test
Pawpaw allergenAllergy to Pawpaw
PBGPorphyrin Profile Urine (Sendaway Test)
PBG DeaminasePorphobilinogen Deaminase (Sendaway Test)
PCAAnti-Gastric Parietal Cell Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PCAAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PCA-1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PCHDonath-Landsteiner Test
PCNA antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
PCPPneumocystis Investigation (Sendaway Test)
PCR – Pan Fungal on Paraffin SectionsPan Fungal PCR – Paraffin Section (Sendaway Test)
PD fluidFluid Cell Count and Culture
PD-L (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
PD-L1 (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Pea allergenAllergy to Pea
Peach allergenAllergy to Peach
PeanutAllergen to Nut Mix
PeanutAllergy to Food Mix (Children
Peanut allergenAllergen to Peanuts
peanut IgEAllergen to Peanuts
Pear allergenAllergy to pear
Pecan allergenAllergen to Pecan
Pecan allergyAllergen to Pecan
Penicillin G allergyAllergy to Penicillin G
Penicillin V allergyAllergy to Penicillin V
Penicillium chrysogenumAllergen to Mould Mix
Penicilloyl G allergyAllergy to Penicillin G
Penicilloyl V allergyAllergy to Penicillin V
penile swab cultureSwab for culture - genital
PEPSerum Protein Electrophoresis
Perennial Rye Grass Allergy.Allergen to Rye grass
Perhexiline (Sendaway Test)
Pericardial Fluid for CytologyCytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids
Peripheral Blood Flow CytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Peripheral Blood Flow CytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Peripheral blood smearBlood film review
Peritoneal Fluid for CytologyCytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids
PermacathCatheter Tip Culture
PERTPre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
Pertussis SerologyBordetella pertussis Serology (Sendaway Test)
PETPre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
PEthPhosphatidylethanol, Blood (Sendaway Test)
Pharmacogenomic ScreenCYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
Phenobarbitone (Sendaway Test)
PhenylalaninePlasma Amino Acids
Philadelphia translocationBCR-ABL P210
Phosphate (Part of CMP)
Phosphatidylethanol, Blood (Sendaway Test)
Phospholipase 2 Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
PhosphorusPhosphate (Part of CMP)
Phytanic Acid (Sendaway Test)
PICC LinesSwab wound - Superfical
Pineapple allergenAllergy to Pineapple
Pinenut allergyAllergy to Pinenut
PinwormOva, cysts and parasites
Pistachio allergenAllergy to Pistachio
PJPPneumocystis Investigation (Sendaway Test)
PL7 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
PLA2RPhospholipase 2 Receptor Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Plane treeAllergy to Tree Mix
Plane Tree (MAPLE)Allergen to Plane tree
Plane tree allergenAllergen to Plane tree
Plaquenil (Sendaway Test)
Plasma AluminiumAluminium Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Plasma Amino Acids
Plasma Cell Quantitation (Sendaway Test)
Plasma ChromiumChromium Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Plasma ExchangeFresh Frozen Plasma Issue
Plasma Free HaemoglobinHaemoglobin; Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Plasma PorphyrinPorphyrin Profile Blood (Sendaway Test)
Plasma Renin
Plasma/Serum Aldosterone
Plasminogen (Sendaway Test)
Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (Sendaway Test)
Platelet Aggregation Studies
Platelet and HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
platelet function screenPFA-200
Platelet function testPFA-200
Platelet Function TestPlatelet Aggregation Studies
Platelet Issue
Platelet ReleasePlatelet Issue
Pleural fluidFluid Cell Count and Culture
Pleural Fluid for cell differential
Pleural Fluid for CytologyCytology - Body Cavity Effusions/Fluids
PLGFPre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
Ploidy Studies - Solid Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Pm/Scl antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Pm/Scl antibodyExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
PML-RAR Transcription (Sendaway Test)
Pneumococcal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Pneumococcal PCRStreptococcus pneumoniae PCR (Sendaway Test)
Pneumococcal Urinary Antigen
Pneumocystis Investigation (Sendaway Test)
PNH Flow Cytometry (Sendaway Test)
PNMA2 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
PNPADA; Erythrocytes/Red Cells
PO4Phosphate (Part of CMP)
Polio Serology (Sendaway Test)
Poliovirus PCR
Pollen allergyAllergy to Grass Mix
Polyomavirus PCR (includes BK and JC viruses) (Sendaway Test)
Pompe DiseaseAlpha-Glucosidase (Sendaway Test)
Poppy seed allergenAllergy to poppy seed
PorkAllergy to Meat Mix
Pork AllergyAllergy to Pork
PorphobilinogenPorphyrin Profile Urine (Sendaway Test)
Porphobilinogen Deaminase (Sendaway Test)
Porphyrin Profile Blood (Sendaway Test)
Porphyrin Profile Faeces (Sendaway Test)
Porphyrin Profile Urine (Sendaway Test)
Porphyrin studies (urine) (PorphyrinsPorphyrin Profile Urine (Sendaway Test)
Posaconazole (Sendaway Test)
Post Dexamethasone Serum CortisolOvernight Dexamethasone Suppression Test
post-transplant donor specific antibodies (DSA)HLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Potassium (Part of UEC)
Potato allergenAllergy to potato
PR3 antibodyProteinase 3 (Sendaway Test)
Pradaxa dTT dilute thrombin timeDabigatran (Hemoclot)
Prader -Willi SyndromeMethylation study for Prader -Willi Syndrome
Prader Willi SyndromeMethylation study for Prader -Willi Syndrome
prawn allergyAllergen to Shrimp
Pre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
PrealbuminTransthyretin (Sendaway Test)
pregnancy testHCG
Prickly saltwortAllergen to Weed Mix
Prion Proteins
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


PrivigenIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
Privigen AUIntravenous Immunoglobulin Issue
Proactive clinical trial
Procollagen type 1 amino-terminal peptideP1NP (Sendaway Test)
Proinsulin (Sendaway Test)
Prophylactic Anti D IssueRh D Immunoglobulin Issue
Protein 14-3-3Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Protein (Sendaway Test)
Protein C
Protein S
Protein TotalTotal Protein (Part of LFT)
Proteinase 3 (Sendaway Test)
Prothrombin Complex Issue
Prothrombin Fragments 1&2 (Sendaway Test)
Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
Prothrombin GeneProthrombin G20210A Mutation
Prothrombin TimeINR
Prothrombin Time - Mixing Test
Prothrombinex ReleaseProthrombin Complex Issue
PSATotal Prostate Specific Antigen
PSA ratioFree PSA
PseudocholinesteraseCholinesterase (Sendaway Test)
Psittacosis PCRChlamydia (Respiratory) PCR (Sendaway Test)
Psittacosis SerologyChlamydia psittaci Serology (Sendaway Test)
PT GeneProthrombin G20210A Mutation
PT20Prothrombin G20210A Mutation
PTHParathyroid Hormone
PTX IssueProthrombin Complex Issue
Pumpkin seed allergenAllergy to pumpkin seed
Purine and Pyrimidine Screen (Sendaway Test)
Purine Nucleoside PhosphorylaseADA; Erythrocytes/Red Cells
Purkinje Cell AntibodyAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
pusPus Culture
Pus Culture
Pyridoxal PhosphateVitamin B6 (Sendaway Test)
PyridoxineVitamin B6 (Sendaway Test)
Q Fever PCR (Sendaway Test)
Q Fever Serology (Sendaway Test)
qHBsAgHepatitis B Antigen (Quantitative) (Sendaway Test)
QuantiFERON MonitorInterferon Gamma
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


QuantiFERON®-TB Kit (Sendaway Test)
quantitative BCR-ABLBCR-ABL P210
Quantitative Desmoglein 1 & 3 antibody assay
Quinine Induced Thrombocytopaenia Screen (Sendaway Test)
Quinoa allergenAllergy to Quinoa
R0-52 antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Rabbit Epithelium allergenAllergy to Rabbit Epithelium
Rabies serology
RAD5IC (Sendaway Tst)
RAD5IC Predictive TestRAD5IC (Sendaway Tst)
RagwortAllergen to Weed Mix
Raltegravir Resistance TestingHIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor Susceptibility (Sendaway Test)
Random Glucose (FLOX)
Random Glucose (Serum)
Random Urine ProteinUrine Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Random/Spot Urine Albumin
Random/Spot Urine Chloride
Random/Spot Urine Creatinine
Random/Spot Urine KRandom/Spot Urine Potassium
Random/Spot Urine Magnesium (Sendaway Test)
Random/Spot Urine MgRandom/Spot Urine Magnesium (Sendaway Test)
Random/Spot Urine NaRandom/Spot Urine Sodium
Random/Spot Urine Phosphate
Random/Spot Urine PhosphorusRandom/Spot Urine Phosphate
Random/Spot Urine PO4Random/Spot Urine Phosphate
Random/Spot Urine Potassium
Random/Spot Urine Sodium
Raspberry allergenAllergy to raspberry
RBC IssueCrossmatch
RCFFolate; Serum
REAGINSyphilis Serology
Red cell alloantibody screenAntibody Screen
Red Cell Antibody TitrationMaternal Antibody Titre
Red Cell CountFBE
Red Cell Enzymes (Sendaway Test)
Red cell genotypeBlood Group and Screen
Red cell phenotypeBlood Group and Screen
Red Cell TransketolaseVitamin B1 (Sendaway Test)
Reducing Substances FaecesFaecal Reducing Substances (Sendaway Test)
Reducing Substances Urine (Sendaway Test)
Reducing sugarsReducing Substances Urine (Sendaway Test)
Regulatory T cells (child <16 years)
Regulatory T cells (Sendaway Test)
RemicadeInfliximab (Sendaway Test)
Renal Antibody TitrationRenal Antibody Titre
Renal Antibody Titre
Renal BiopsyHistology - Renal Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
renal function testUEC
Renal StoneCalculi Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Respiratory Synctial Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Respiratory virus extended panelExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Reticulin AutoantibodyAnti-Reticulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Retinol Binding Protein (Sendaway Test)
Rett Syndrome
RFRheumatoid Factor
Rh D Immunoglobulin Issue
Rh FRheumatoid Factor
Rh groupBlood Group
Rh groupBlood Group and Screen
Rheumatoid Factor
Rhinovirus PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
Rhubarb allergenAllergy to Rhubarb
Ri antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
RiboflavinVitamin B2 (Sendaway Test)
Ribosomal P antibodiesExtended ENA Autoantibody (Sendaway Test)
Rice AllergenAllergy to Rice
Rickettsial Culture (Sendaway Test)
Rickettsial DNA by PCR (Sendaway Test)
Rickettsial Serology (Sendaway Test)
Rifampicin Resistance Mutations (TB) (Sendaway Test)
Rift valleyViral haemorrhagic fevers
RisperdalRisperidone (Sendaway Test)
Risperidone (Sendaway Test)
Ristocetin activityVon Willebrand studies
Ristocetin Cofactor Inhibition Level Bethesda (Sendaway Test)
RNA Polymerase III Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Rockmelon allergenAllergy to melon
ROS (tissue/histology)Human Molecular - Solid Tumour (Sendaway Test)
Ross River Virus PCRAlphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Ross River Virus Serology
RotavirusFaecal viral multiplex PCR
Rotavirus EIARotavirus investigation (Sendaway Test)
Rotavirus investigation (Sendaway Test)
RPOB geneRifampicin Resistance Mutations (TB) (Sendaway Test)
RPRSyphilis Serology
RSV PCRExtended respiratory virus multiplex PCR
RSV SerologyRespiratory Synctial Virus Serology (Sendaway Test)
RT-QuICCreutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Protein (Sendaway Test)
Rubella IgG Serology
Rubella IgM (Sendaway Test)
RUNX1::RUNX1T1Molecular Haematology Laboratory Level 6AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
Russian thistleAllergen to Weed Mix
Rye cereal allergenAllergy to rye cereal
Rye grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Rye Grass AllergyAllergen to Rye grass
S. aureus ScreenMRSA Screen
SAASerum Amyloid A (Sendaway Test)
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae AntibodyAnti Saccharoymes Cerevisiae (Sendaway Test)
Salivary Cortisol (Sendaway Test)
SalmonAllergen to Fish Mix
Salmon allergenAllergy to salmon
salmonellaFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Salmonella cultureFaeces Culture
Salmonella Serology
Salmonella Typhi SerologySalmonella Serology
sapovirusFaecal viral multiplex PCR
SAR COVIDWuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
SARS antibodiesSARS-CoV-2 Serology
SARS-CoV-2 Serology
SBRTotal Bilirubin & Conjugated Bilirubin
SCA Gene Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Scabies investigation
scallop allergenAllergen to Scallop
scallop allergyAllergen to Scallop
Schistosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
SCL-70 (topoisomerase)ENA
Screening for Down syndrome (trisomy 21)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Screening for Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Screening for Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Scrub typhus serologyRickettsial Serology (Sendaway Test)
SDH-B GeneSDH-B Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
SDH-B Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
SDH-D GeneSDH-D Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
SDH-D Mutation Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Seafood Mix allergyAllergen to Fish Mix
Second Trimester Maternal Serum Screening (2TMSS)Maternal Serum Screening (Sendaway Test)
Selenium Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Selenium Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Selenium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Semen Analysis - Infertility and Pre-chemotherapy Investigations (Sendaway Test)
Semen Analysis - Post Vasectomy Only (Sendaway Test)
Serological CrossmatchCrossmatch
SeromaSwab for culture - deep wound
Serotonin (Sendaway Test)
Serotonin Release AssayHeparin Induced Platelet Serotonin Release (Sendaway Test)
Serum Amyloid A (Sendaway Test)
Serum Free Light Chains
Serum Osmolality
Serum Protein Electrophoresis
Sesame allergyAllergy to Sesame
Sesame seedAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
Sesame Seed AllergyAllergy to Sesame
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
SF3B1Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
SFLCSerum Free Light Chains
sFlt-1Pre Eclampsia Ratio Test (PERT) (Sendaway Test)
Shared Specimens (Micro & Anat Path)Anatomical Pathology Shared Specimen Procedures
SHBGSex Hormone Binding Globulin
Sheep milk allergenAllergy to sheep milk
Shellfish allergenAllergy to Shellfish
Shiga toxinEnterotoxigenic E. coli (Sendaway Test)
Shiga toxinEnteropathogenic E. coli (Sendaway Test)
shigellaFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Shigella cultureFaeces Culture
Shingles SerologyVaricella-Zoster Serology
Short Synacthen Test
ShrimpAllergen to Fish Mix
shrimp allergenAllergen to Shrimp
shrimp allergyAllergen to Shrimp
Sickle Solubility Test
SIFESerum Protein Electrophoresis
Silicosis Trial
Silver (Sendaway Test)
Silver birch treeAllergy to Tree Mix
Sinbis serologySindbis virus Serology
Sinbus serologySindbis virus Serology
Sinbus Virus serology
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Sindbis Virus PCRAlphavirus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Sindbis virus Serology
Sirolimus (Sendaway Test)
SjorgrensHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
Skeletal Muscle AutoantibodyAnti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Skin Biopsy for AlopeciaHistology - Skin for Alopecia (Sendaway Test)
Skin IFHistology - Skin for Immunofluorescence
Skin scrapings for fungal cultureDermatophyte Fungal Culture (Sendaway Test)
Skin scrapings for scabiesScabies investigation
skin swabSwab wound - Superfical
SLO1B1CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
SMAtAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SMAvAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SMN GeneSpinal Muscular Atrophy Gene (Sendaway Test)
SMN1Spinal Muscular Atrophy Gene (Sendaway Test)
Smooth Muscle AutoantibodyAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SMRPMesothelin related peptides
Snake Bite Venom Detection
SNP microarrayMicroarray
SOD1 gene mutationMotor Neurone Disease Gene (Sendaway Test)
Sodium (Part of UEC)
Sodium FluidFluid Sodium
Sodium MycophenolateMycophenolic Acid (Sendaway Test)
Soluble C5b-9
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Soluble CD25
Soluble IL-2 ReceptorSoluble CD25
soluble interleukin 2 receptorSoluble CD25
Soluble Transferrin Receptor (Sendaway Test)
Somatomedin-CInsulin Like Growth Factor 1 (Sendaway Test)
SOX1 antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Soy AllergyAllergen to Soy
SoybeanAllergy to Food Mix (Children
Soybean AllergyAllergen to Soy
SP 100Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SP100Anti SP 100 Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
SPEPSerum Protein Electrophoresis
Sperm Analysis - Post Vasectomy OnlySemen Analysis - Post Vasectomy Only (Sendaway Test)
Sperm Test - Infertility & Pre-Chemotherapy InvestigationsSemen Analysis - Infertility and Pre-chemotherapy Investigations (Sendaway Test)
Spice Mix fx70 allergyAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
spice mix fx71 allergyAllergen to spice Mix fx71
Spice mix fx72 allergyAllergen to Spice Mix fx72
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Gene (Sendaway Test)
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Sporotrichosis serology
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Spot Urine ProteinUrine Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Spot/ random urine calciumUrinary Calcium/Creatinine Ratio
SputumSputum Culture
Sputum Culture
Sputum for CytologyCytology - Sputum
Squid allergyAllergy to Squid
SRP antibodiesMyositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
SRSF2Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
SSBSilicosis Trial
Staphylococcal teichoic acid
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


StaphylococcusMRSA Screen
StelaraUstekinumab (Sendaway Test)
sTfRSoluble Transferrin Receptor (Sendaway Test)
STI / STD cultureGonorrhoea Culture - non genital
STI screen (Thinprep)
Stone AnalysisCalculi Analysis (Sendaway Test)
Stratify JCVJCV Clinical Trial
Strawberry allergenAllergy to strawberry
Streptococcal AntibodyStreptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Streptococcal Serology (Sendaway Test)
Streptococcal urinary antigenPneumococcal Urinary Antigen
Streptococcus pneumonia urinary antigenPneumococcal Urinary Antigen
Streptococcus pneumoniae PCR (Sendaway Test)
Striated Muscle AutoantibodyAnti-Skeletal Muscle Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Strongyloides Serology (Sendaway Test)
Strongyloides stercoralis cultureOva, cysts and parasites
Succinyl Acetone
SuccinylacetoneSuccinyl Acetone
Sulphonylurea Screen (Sendaway Test)
Sunflower seed allergenAllergy to sunflower seed
Superficial wound swabSwab wound - Superfical
Suspected Transfusion ReactionTransfusion Reaction Investigation
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Blood Bank

Suxamethonium allergyallergy to Suxamethonium
SV40Polyomavirus PCR (includes BK and JC viruses) (Sendaway Test)
Swab for culture - deep wound
Swab for culture - genital
Swab for culture - superficial
Swab for Herpes PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Swab wound - Superfical
Synacthen TestShort Synacthen Test
Synovial fluidsJoint Fluid
Syphilis PCR (Sendaway Test)
Syphilis Serology
Syphilis Serology (Confirmation)
Syphilis Serology (CSF) (Sendaway Test)
Syphilis serology (Infants)
T - tauAlzheimer's Disease (AD) testing
T and B cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult only)
T and B cellsLymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


T and B markersLymphocyte subset (Adult only)
T and B markersLymphocyte subset (Adult)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


T cell function testImmune Function Tests (Sendaway Test)
T cell markers (Child <16yrs)Lymphocyte subset (Child <16yrs)
T Cell Receptor Gamma Chain Gene Rearrangements (Sendaway Test)
T cells regulatoryRegulatory T cells (child <16 years)
t(8;21)AML1-ETO Gene Fusion (Sendaway Test)
t(9:22)BCR-ABL P210
T. pallidumSyphilis Serology
T. pallidum PCRSyphilis PCR (Sendaway Test)
T3Free T3
T4Free T4
Tacrolimus (Sendaway Test)
Taenia solium cysticerci SerologyCysticercosis Serology (Sendaway Test)
TarragonAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
Tau GeneMAPT Gene Test (Sendaway Test)
TaurinePlasma Amino Acids
TB Blood CultureBlood Culture for Mycobacteria
TB CultureMycobacteria Culture Report (Sendaway Test)
TB CultureAFB culture
TB culture (respiratory specimens)
TB PCRMycobacterium tuberculosis PCR (Sendaway Test)
TB PCR on Paraffin Sections (Sendaway Test)
TB PCR on Sputum
TCR Gene Rearrangement (Tissue)Gene Rearrangement Analysis (Tissue) (Sendaway Test)
TCR Gene RearrangementsT Cell Receptor Gamma Chain Gene Rearrangements (Sendaway Test)
TegretolCarbamazepine (Sendaway Test)
Teicoplanin (Sendaway Test)
Telomere length measurement (FLOW FISH)
Test entry 6zzz For Admin Test Purposes Only
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Anatomical Pathology

Testosterone Free
Testosterone LCMSMS (Sendaway Test)
Tetanus antibodiesTetanus Antitoxin (Sendaway Test)
Tetanus Antitoxin (Sendaway Test)
Tetracycline Bone LabellingBone Biopsy (Mineralised Bone Histology) (Sendaway Test)
Tetrasaccharide Urine (Sendaway Test)
TgThyroglobulin (Sendaway Test)
Tg AbAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TgAbAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Thalassaemia DNA studiesThalassaemia Gene Testing
Thalassaemia DNA testingThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Thalassaemia Gene Testing
Thalassaemia screenThalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Thalassaemia screen (Monash request form)
Thalassaemia/Haemoglobinopathy Screen and DNA Testing
Thallium Blood (Sendaway Test)
Thallium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
THCTotal Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
TheodurTheophylline (Sendaway Test)
Theophylline (Sendaway Test)
ThiamineVitamin B1 (Sendaway Test)
Thiocyanate (Sendaway Test)
Thiopurine Metabolites (Sendaway Test)
Thiopurine MethyltransferaseTPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
This test is no longer available. Consult the toxicologist if clinically indicated.Snake Bite Venom Detection
throat swabSwab for culture - superficial
Thrombin Clotting Time
Thrombophilia Screen (Hereditary)
ThymeAllergen to Spice Mix fx70
Thyroglobulin (Sendaway Test)
Thyroglobulin AbAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Thyroglobulin AntibodiesAnti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Thyroglobulin Fluid (Sendaway Test)
Thyroid AntibodiesAnti-TPO
Thyroid Blocking ImmunoglobulinsThyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulins (Sendaway Test)
Thyroid Function TestsTSH
Thyroid Peroxidase AutoantibodiesAnti-TPO
Thyroid Stimulating HormoneTSH
Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulins (Sendaway Test)
Thyroperoxidase AntibodiesAnti-TPO
Thyrotropin-Receptor AntibodiesTSH Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TIF1Y(P155)Myositis Autoantibodies (Sendaway Test)
Timed (24 hour) Urine Creatinine
Timed Urine Calcium24 hour Urine Calcium
Timed Urine Magnesium24 hour Urine Magnesium (Sendaway Test)
Timed Urine Phosphate24 hour Urine Phosphate
Timed Urine Phosphorus24 hour Urine Phosphate
Timed Urine PO424 hour Urine Phosphate
Timed Urine Protein24 hour Urine Protein
Timed Urine Sodium24 hour Urine Sodium
Timothy grassAllergy to Grass Mix
Tissue culture
Tissue for cultureTissue culture
Tissue for Flow CytometryLeucocyte Immunophenotyping (Sendaway Test)
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Tissue for Flow CytometryLeucocyte immunophenotyping (lymphoma panel)
Tissue IronIron Tissue (Sendaway Test)
Tissue PathologyHistology Tissue Biopsy
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (Sendaway Test)
Tissue typingHLA Typing (Sendaway Test)
TnITroponin I
Tobramycin (Sendaway Test)
Tomato allergyAllergen to tomato
Topiramate (Sendaway Test)
Torch (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV, HSV)
Total Bile AcidsBile Acids Total (Sendaway Test)
Total Bilirubin & Conjugated Bilirubin
Total Bilirubin & Direct BilirubinTotal Bilirubin & Conjugated Bilirubin
Total Haemolytic Complement (Sendaway Test)
Total Prostate Specific Antigen
Total Protein (Part of LFT)
Total PSATotal Prostate Specific Antigen
Total Resorption PhosphatePhosphate (Part of CMP)
Total testosteroneTestosterone
Toxo SerologyToxoplasma Serology
Toxocara Serology (Sendaway Test)
Toxoplasma IgG avididty
Toxoplasma PCR (Sendaway Test)
Toxoplasma Serology
TP53 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
TPATissue Plasminogen Activator (Sendaway Test)
TPASyphilis Serology
TPHASyphilis Serology
TPMTTPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
TPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
TPMT PhenotypeTPMT Genotype (Sendaway Test)
TPPASyphilis Serology
TRAbTSH Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TransferrinIron Studies
Transferrin Isoforms (Sendaway Test)
Transferrin Receptor IndexSoluble Transferrin Receptor (Sendaway Test)
Transferrin SaturationIron Studies
Transfusion reactionTransfusion Reaction Investigation
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Blood Bank

Transfusion Reaction Investigation
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Blood Bank

Transglutaminase IgA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Transthyretin (Sendaway Test)
Tree Mix allergenAllergy to Tree Mix
Treponema pallidumSyphilis Serology
Treponemal PCRSyphilis PCR (Sendaway Test)
Trichamonas Vaginalis Nucleiac Acid
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:


Trichinella EIA Serology (Sendaway Test)
Trichomonas Vaginalis PCR
Tricyclic Antidepressant Screen (Sendaway Test)
Triglyceride (Fluid)
TrileptalOxcarbazepine (Sendaway Test)
Tropheryma whipplei PCRWhipples PCR (Sendaway Test)
Tropism AssayCCR5-CXCR4 Tropism (Sendaway Test)
Troponin I
TRPPhosphate (Part of CMP)
Trypanosoma bruceiAfrican Trypanosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Trypanosoma cruziAmerican trypanosomiasis Serology (Sendaway Test)
Tryptase (Sendaway Test)
TSH Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TSHR AbTSH Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TSITSH Receptor Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TTGTransglutaminase IgA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
TTSVaccine Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
Tuberculin Sensitivity TestMantoux Test
Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor Associated Periodic SyndromeTRAPS
Tumour Protein 53 MutationTP53 Mutation (Sendaway Test)
Tumour Related HCGHCG-Tumour Marker (Sendaway Test)
TunaAllergen to Fish Mix
Tuna allergenAllergy to tuna
TV PCRTrichomonas Vaginalis PCR
TWL monthly serumHLA Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Type and ScreenBlood Group and Screen
Typhoid serologySalmonella Serology
TyrosinePlasma Amino Acids
Tzanck Smear for CytologyCytology - Tzanck Smear
U2AF1Myeloid NGS (Sendaway Test)
UDPGT gene testGilbert
UDSUrine Drug Screen (Sendaway Test)
UlcerSwab wound - Superfical
Ultrasensitive CRPHigh Sensitivity CRP (Sendaway Test)
Urea & ElectrolytesUEC
Urea (Part of UEC)
Urea Breath Test
Urea FluidFluid Urea
Ureaplasma parvum DNAUreaplasma species PCR
Ureaplasma species PCR
Ureaplasma Urealyticum DNAUreaplasma species PCR
urethral swab cultureSwab for culture - genital
Uric AcidUrate
Urinary AldosteroneAldosterone; Urine (Sendaway Test)
Urinary Calcium/Creatinine Ratio
Urinary eosinophilsUrine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture
Urinary Free Cortisol (24-hour)
Urinary Oxalate (Sendaway Test)
Urine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture
Urine ACRRandom/Spot Urine Albumin
Urine Alb/Creat RatioRandom/Spot Urine Albumin
Urine Aluminium (Random)Aluminium Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Urine Amino Acids (Sendaway Test)
Urine Arsenic (Random)Arsenic Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Urine Ca/CrUrinary Calcium/Creatinine Ratio
Urine Cadmium (Random)Cadmium Urine Random (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine castsUrine Red Cell Morphology
Urine Catecholamines (Paediatric) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Chemistry
Urine Chemistry and Microscopy
Urine ClRandom/Spot Urine Chloride
Urine Cobalt (Random)Cobalt Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Urine Copper ExcretionCopper Urine 24 hr (Sendaway Test)
Urine CortisolUrinary Free Cortisol (24-hour)
Urine CultureUrine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture
Urine CytologyCytology - Urine Cytology Specimens
Urine Diuretic ScreenDiuretic Screen Urine (Sendaway Test)
Urine Drug Screen (LC-QTOF)
Urine Drug Screen (Sendaway Test)
Urine Drug Screen Confirmations (Sendaway Test)
Urine EPGUrine Protein Electrophoresis
Urine Ethyl Glucuronide (Sendaway Test)
Urine for EosinophilsCytology - Urine Cytology Specimens
Urine Free Light ChainsUrine Protein Electrophoresis
Urine HaemosiderinHaemosiderin Urine (Sendaway Test)
Urine Iodine (Random)Iodine Urine Random (Sendaway Test)
Urine Iron (random)Iron Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Iron Excretion (24hr)Iron Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Lead (random)Lead Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Manganese (Random)Manganese Urine (Random) (Sendaway test)
Urine Manganese Excretion (24 hr)Manganese Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine MCSUrine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture
Urine Mercury (Random)Mercury Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Mercury Excretion (24 hr)Mercury Urine (24 hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine MicroscopyUrine Chemistry and Microscopy
Urine Microscopy
Urine myoglobin
Urine Nickel Excretion (24hr)Nickel Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Oligosaccharides Screen (Sendaway Test)
Urine Osmolality
Urine ParaproteinUrine Protein Electrophoresis
Urine pHUrine Chemistry
Urine Protein Electrophoresis
Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Urine Red Cell Morphology
Urine reducing substancesReducing Substances Urine (Sendaway Test)
Urine Schistosomiasis
Urine Selenium (Random)Selenium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Selenium Excretion (24hr)Selenium Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Steroid Profile (Sendaway Test)
Urine Thallium (Random)Thallium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Urate
Urine Uric AcidUrine Urate
Urine Vanadium (Random)Vanadium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Zinc (Random)Zinc Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Urine Zinc Excretion (24hr)Zinc Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
urine)Porphyrin Profile Urine (Sendaway Test)
Ustekinumab (Sendaway Test)
Vaccine Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
vaginal swab cultureSwab for culture - genital
ValaciclovirAcyclovir (Sendaway Test)
ValacyclovirAcyclovir (Sendaway Test)
ValinePlasma Amino Acids
Valproic AcidValproate
Vanadium Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
Vancomycin resistant enterococcus screenVRE Screen
Varicella SerologyVaricella-Zoster Serology
Varicella Zoster PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Varicella-Zoster IgM (Sendaway Test)
Varicella-Zoster Serology
Vascular Endothelial Growth FactorVEGF
Vasculitis Screen
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (Sendaway Test)
VATTVaccine Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
VBGBlood Gases
VDRLSyphilis Serology
Vedolizumab (Sendaway Test)
Venous Blood GasBlood Gases
Venous Cord Blood GasBlood Gases
Very Long Chain Fatty AcidsPhytanic Acid (Sendaway Test)
vibrioFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Vic neuromuscular Lab Service - Nerve BiopsyNerve Biopsy (Sendaway Test)
VIPVasoactive Intestinal Peptide (Sendaway Test)
VIPITVaccine Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
Viral haemorrhagic fevers
Viral PCR for Herpes virusesHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
Vit AVitamin A (Sendaway Test)
Vit EVitamin E (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B2 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin A (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B1 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B3 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin B6 (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin C (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin D25-Hydroxyvitamin D
Vitamin D325-Hydroxyvitamin D
Vitamin E (Sendaway Test)
Vitamin K
Vitreous Fluid CytologyCytology - Vitreous Washings (Sendaway Test)
VITTVaccine Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia
VKORC1CYP450 Pharmacogenetic Testing
Voltage gated K+ Channel Antibody (Sendaway Test)
Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
von Willebrand factorVon Willebrand studies
von Willebrand factor activityVon Willebrand studies
von Willebrand factor Antigen
Von Willebrand Factor Multimers (Sendaway Test)
von Willebrand factor studiesVon Willebrand studies
Von Willebrand studies
Voriconazole (Sendaway Test)
VRE Screen
vWF AgVon Willebrand studies
vWF antigenvon Willebrand factor Antigen
VZV IgMVaricella-Zoster IgM (Sendaway Test)
VZV PCRHerpes Virus Multiplex PCR (Sendaway Test)
VZV SerologyVaricella-Zoster Serology
Walnut allergenAllergen to Walnut
Walnut treeAllergy to Tree Mix
Watermelon allergenAllergy to watermelon
Weed MixAllergen to Weed Mix
West Nile Virus serology (Sendaway Test)
WheatAllergy to Food Mix (Children
WheatAllergen to Grains/Cereal Mix
WheatAllergen to Wheat
Whipples PCR (Sendaway Test)
White Cell CountFBE
White Cell Differential.FBE
White Cell Enzymes
White pineAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Whole Exome Sequencing
Whooping Cough PCRBordetella pertussis PCR (Sendaway Test)
Whooping Cough SerologyBordetella pertussis Serology (Sendaway Test)
WidalSalmonella Serology
Willow treeAllergen to Australian Tree Mix
Wool allergenAllergy to wool
Wound cultureSwab for culture - deep wound
Wuhan Coronavirus PCR2019 Novel Coronavirus PCR
Wuhan Coronavirus PCR (NPV)
Wuhan coronavirus serologyCoronavirus serology
X-linked inactivation studies
Xa ApixabanAnti-Xa Apixaban
Xa RivaroxabanAnti-Xa Rivaroxaban
Yellow FeverFlavivirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Yellow JacketAllergen to Common Wasp
yersiniaFaecal bacterial multiplex PCR
Yersinia Serology
Yo antibodiesAnti-Neuronal Antibodies (Sendaway Test)
Yoghurt allergenAllergy to Yoghurt
Zika SerologyZikavirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Zika virus PCR (Sendaway Test)
Zika virus SerologyZikavirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Zikavirus AntibodiesZikavirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Zikavirus Serology (Sendaway Test)
Zinc Plasma (Sendaway Test)
Zinc Protoporphyrin (Sendaway Test)
Zinc Urine (24hr) (Sendaway Test)
Zinc Urine (Random) (Sendaway Test)
ZNAFB culture
ZyprexaOlanzapine (Sendaway Test)
zzz For Admin Test Purposes Only
This test is currently being reviewed

For information regarding this test please contact the senior scientist on duty in:

Anatomical Pathology